Favourite opening/ending sequences

Shouwa is on my PTW, heard good things but not really seen anything about it. I take it you recommend?

Of course! but depends what kind of shows you like. I wouldn't recommend Rakugo to every anime fan because a lot of them would probably say it's boring. If you like character driven drama series then you won't find many better than Rakugo.

Good MAL review
Of course! but depends what kind of shows you like. I wouldn't recommend Rakugo to every anime fan because a lot of them would probably say it's boring. If you like character driven drama series then you won't find many better than Rakugo.

Good MAL review

I definitely do, although I do also like some story and stuff going on, not just characters being characters. It's one on my to try list and I suppose there is no way to know for sure without trying it!
I love, love, love this opening sequence from Horimiya, perfectly showcases this director's great eye with wonderful use of animation, colours and music. Also really liked the closing sequences/credits from his From the New World, especially the first one (can't seem to find the second one on the tube of you)
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The ED for Nagatoro-san episode 6 is a rendition of the ED as an 8-bit tune with the visuals done as a side scroller with the events of the first half of the episode. There's not really a story as such to the series, but I'll put it under a spoiler button anyway:
TLTR: dose u hav favu op/ed from ur animes?
We've already got this thread:
Not so much an ending sequence as it largely played over a credits crawl but Dancing in the Moonlight from Macross Delta the Movie: Passionate Walküre really captures the fun side of the franchise. Really looking forward to more bangers from the next film.
Jormungand OP Borderland is a favorite of mine, and Koko's theme song is a hoot, even though I can't stand rap, lol. It's not the ED, but plays during the next episode previews, so close enough!

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Aria The Crepuscolo-more of the same and that's excellent! It's even more laid back and mello than the tv shows (if that's possible).