EATV: Defunct'd - Manga UK Podcast will include EATV

Mohawk52 said:
ConanThe3rd said:
Regardless, We need to see an outreach and Jerome's blazefare attitude to any way that involves money and effort is downright depressing
I'm not sure if you are aware, (and it certainly seems that you aren't), but I've spoken with Jerome in the recent past, and though he is a rep for Manga UK he actually has very little to do with UK broadcasting anime. He basically deals with physical product like DVD and BD distribution and sales, but licencing and suppling broadcast material is all handled by Starz in the US and all he can do is spectate just like the rest of us.
"Outreach" Doesn't mean getting anime series on TV exclusively.

It means telling people who might be interested that stuff that might be of interest to them exists. It's turning the person who sees Firefly on Horror into someone who might pick up Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star (I know that's AL and they could do with doing similar so £100 for ultra box-sets isn't a thing but work with me here), the person who watches action movies with Baysplosions that there's Black Lagaon and more besides.
That kid that sees Dragonball Kai on Kix? That's someone you could get to watch Bleach or One Piece (or heaven forbid naruto) if only you tell them that it exits and is but a walk to HMV / a visit to Amazon away.

Or you can screw around, call the medium to get those eyes "A dinosaur" and do naught. You can also do that. You'd be a fool for doing it but you can do that.

Mohawk52 said:
So maybe you should point your pair of vitriol squirt guns at Starz in NYC instead? Just suggesting. :wink: are a putz.
ConanThe3rd said:
"Outreach" Doesn't mean getting anime series on TV exclusively.

It means telling people who might be interested that stuff that might be of interest to them exists. It's turning the person who sees Firefly on Horror into someone who might pick up Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star (I know that's AL and they could do with doing similar so £100 for ultra box-sets isn't a thing but work with me here), the person who watches action movies with Baysplosions that there's Black Lagaon and more besides.
That kid that sees Dragonball Kai on Kix? That's someone you could get to watch Bleach or One Piece (or heaven forbid naruto) if only you tell them that it exits and is but a walk to HMV / a visit to Amazon away.

Or you can screw around, call the medium to get those eyes "A dinosaur" and do naught. You can also do that. You'd be a fool for doing it but you can do that.
What you are talking about is promotion and advertisment. Manga are doing that already in their website, anime magazines, and conventions, they also did TV adverts back in the Sc-Fi days, if you remember that. What more can they do that would improve on that with out bankrupting them, do you think?

Mohawk52 said:
So maybe you should point your pair of vitriol squirt guns at Starz in NYC instead? Just suggesting. :wink: are a putz.
:lol: I hope it didn't hurt too much. :lol:
I dunno, RTing on twitter would be a good start, "Hey, TFS did a thing, get the soure stuff here", expanding to non anime magazines would also help and puting adverts back on TV wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.

Also, please drop the whole putz thing before we both say something we live to regret.
Television advertising costs a small fortune and niche stuff isn't going to be recouping much from it. Especially now there are a billion channels. I know firsthand how much of a money sink it can be, and I don't blame Manga for avoiding it when many of their titles barely break even over here as is.

They've also spent tons of money advertising in all kinds of non-anime places in the time I've been (vaguely) keeping an eye on them; they used to attend non-anime events too to try to tempt people into the hobby. I'm going to assume that Manga know what works and what doesn't better than we do.

Also, please take the putzing to PM (or say, stop doing it) as it's not very nice.

Back when Dragonball Z was first released, they did have adverts in magazines such as the Official Nintendo Magazine, obviously aiming for that 13-25 male audience.
The one thing I did find strange was them not advertising the Sony Move Channel programs. I understand that they weren't being paid for the showings, but more people may of been interested in buying the DVD if they had seen it first.
GolGotha said:
The one thing I did find strange was them not advertising the Sony Move Channel programs. I understand that they weren't being paid for the showings, but more people may of been interested in buying the DVD if they had seen it first.
In the podcast, Jerome said that they were never actually told that they were happening.