
CitizenGeek said:
It's funny to see the kind of linguistic gymnastics you're using to try to define all games as "toys" just so Nintendo don't look so bad making dull, dull crap like Wii Fit and Wii Vitality and Wii Minigame Compilation #56. Nintendo don't have that magic anymore. They lost with the N64 and the GC, so they pulled out of the games industry. It's annoying that such a great number of people are falling for their attempts to retain the few loyal fans they have.
Right, because Square-Enix never make dull games. :]

If you don't like it feel free to ignore me, because I am rather dull as you said. :]
US$ 17.427 billion revenues for Nintendo,
US$ 10.746 billion revenues for Sony
US$ 8.139 billion revenue for Microsoft

Sources are wiki for nintendo and sony SCE and the year end report from Miscrosoft. MS is growing absurdly fast though, around 50% from 2006 to 2007, a bit over 30% from 2007 to 2008.

Nintendo might be failing the hardcore gamers out there, but I don't think they are losing anything (or even care) if you ask me.
not to forget, Microsofts sales in the Japan market aren't exactly setting the world alight, although they are making huge strides atm
Maxon said:
A toy requires interacting with it. You interact with games but not movies and music. So, no, my definition is not messed up.
Cats have four legs. My dog has four legs. COINCIDENCE? Not saying you're wrong (I think it's a hard position to argue either way) but "you can interact with it" is a feature of a toy, not the thing that makes it a toy.
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09 ... ords/50684

Having recently finish Portrait of Ruin and halfway through Symphony of the Night I am extremely excited about the next Castlevania, Lord of Shadows. With voice acting by Patrick Stewart and Robert Carlyle and Kojima being involved with development I have high hopes for the next 3D game in the series (never really liked Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness is good for what I've played of it, still to acquire the N64 titles) and look forward to getting my hands on it in 2010!
ilmaestro said:
Cats have four legs. My dog has four legs. COINCIDENCE? Not saying you're wrong (I think it's a hard position to argue either way) but "you can interact with it" is a feature of a toy, not the thing that makes it a toy.
Judging from this E3 the 360 and PSTriple are toys now as well.
FFXIII looks worse than FFXII. The characters aren't appealing at all to look at, the main character in particular having zero charm, and the advanced looking setting, complete with Terminator Hunter Killers, does nothing for me. I also didn't like how, because of the use of terminolgy and seemingly random dialogue, the trailer made no sense whatsoever.

Advent Children fantards will lap it up because it looks pretty, but it appears to be shallow underneath. Like FFXII, I forsee neither the characters or story holding the interest of anyone for too long. Judging by the trailers to date, it simply lacks the soul of the PS1 games.

I don't care a great deal because I've yet to play a next gen game - I'm stuck on the PS2 - but FFXIII isn't a game that make me want to own a HD console. Square are all money and no heart these days... It's too bad they can't be stripped of their cash and forced to make a do or die game once again.
Actually, everyone that's played FFXIII has said it's excellent. So I think I'll trust them over your "feeling" ;]

I do agree that Squeenix's output has been falling in quality massively lately though, and it's very disappointing. The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, etc. have all been mediocre games and I don't expect that from them :/
FFXII got the highest ratings Famitsu(sp?) can give. FFX also scored top marks in pretty much every review. And I'm pretty sure a lot of the people who ended up unhappy with FFXII loved the DQVIII demo.

Never, ever trust the opinion of another concerning mainstream stuff. Actually, just never trust anyone else, period - everyone is full of ****. Only those with exquisite taste, who can spot a bad game from a story standpoint from a mile off, should be listened to. Someone such as myself, for instance.

Square were wonderful back during their PS1 days, making some of the best JRPGs and SRPGs. Now? There's nothing other than graphics. And that's my issue with FFXIII and the impression it's giving me with the lack of gameplay and information shown in its trailers, which appear to show the same stuff over and over - it appears to be all flash, with not a lot else there if you go into it looking for anything other than a decnt game with lovely graphics.
But most FF fans did like FFXII. It was absolutely a game of a very high quality and most people did like it. A sizeable number of fans didn't like it, and I can only imagine it's because the story took a back seat in this (well, compared to past FF games) or something like that :s
I don't know how many will be interested, but Monkey Island is making a come back in the next couple months, with the first one being released on XBLA and PC remastered with voice acting from those that did Curse of. Also they are doing a new addition to the series with Tales of Monkey Island, which looks to be getting done in a similar way to sam and max, with episodes. Still, i for one look forward to this, more insult sword fighting is always welcomed.

@Necro: Hideo Kojima is working on that castlevania? whoa, talk about a team up. Not only that, but the trailer looked spectacular, and if the voice acting is as strong as it is on there, and the gameplay is as nice on that, i think it'd be safe to say we have a great game to look forward too, hopefully we can see more sooner rather than later.
I'm really excited about the Monkey Island revisitations, though sad they're not on DS. Perhaps if they are well received a port will be in their future. The DS is definitely my favourite platform when it comes to that style of game.

CitizenGeek said:
But most FF fans did like FFXII. It was absolutely a game of a very high quality and most people did like it. A sizeable number of fans didn't like it, and I can only imagine it's because the story took a back seat in this (well, compared to past FF games) or something like that :s

I liked FFXII for its gameplay, as did many others. MMO style games are a lot of fun, and a lot less stressful than the real thing.

What I, and many others (look on GameFAQs) disliked about it was a story which failed to make the players care about what was going on and, eventually, lost all of my interest and poorly developed cast of characters that the player felt no connection to. They were just blank slates with a few cliches. Because of the flaws in the writing, the game ended up becoming boring to the extreme once the gameplay became old.

FFXIII may well be a fairly fun game to play, for awhile at least. But that matters not if the other elements vital to a game where you play a role in a dialogue filled stoey fail it. And, so far, I've seen no evidence in the empty trailers to suggest it's going to have the charm that makes the best RPGs so playable. If FFVII is true love, FFXIII appears to be a high class prostitute.
Arbalest said:
I don't know how many will be interested, but Monkey Island is making a come back in the next couple months, with the first one being released on XBLA and PC remastered with voice acting from those that did Curse of. Also they are doing a new addition to the series with Tales of Monkey Island, which looks to be getting done in a similar way to sam and max, with episodes. Still, i for one look forward to this, more insult sword fighting is always welcomed.
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Hb_FaGcmTPM&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Hb_FaGcmTPM&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
Awesome. Awesome to the max.

Secret was great, Revenge was better, Curse was easily as good as the original and Escape... meh. So I don't know what to expect from this new one. I'd be happy if they just remade Revenge as well and then called it a day. One more request... more Murray please.
Yeah, i can't really say much for Tales, they showed some gameplay of it, and it looks to be a tad similar in moving Guybrush to Escape, but they seemed to have brought back item combining from what they said and the game will be updated in installments like sam & max on Wiiware and PC.
Aion said:
I liked FFXII for its gameplay, as did many others. MMO style games are a lot of fun, and a lot less stressful than the real thing.

What I, and many others (look on GameFAQs) disliked about it was a story which failed to make the players care about what was going on and, eventually, lost all of my interest and poorly developed cast of characters that the player felt no connection to. They were just blank slates with a few cliches. Because of the flaws in the writing, the game ended up becoming boring to the extreme once the gameplay became old.
Bro, you're like... twenty, why are you on GameFAQs? Either way, the writer Yasumi Matsuno wanted FF:XII to have an older main character, which would have been Basch, but SE didn't like the idea and wanted a young boy (Shounen ****) approach and thus the story become a mess because Matsuno didn't like it and left SE. He recently did the story to MadWorld or part of it, anyway.

I thought FF:XII was AMAZING when I first played it because I just got absorbed into the hype like a sheep, which I admit, but looking back, game had good ideas done badly, the cast bar Vaan were fairly creative and interesting but just used horribly wrong and the plot is just Star Wars. FF:XIII seems to be a mix of VII and XII, so I assume there will be good and bad, I want FF:XIII but at the same time I'm on guard for a shitfest since SE is clueless since Hironobu Sakaguchi left Square Soft in 2001.
I don't post/read GameFAQs unless I'm playing a game. I glanced over the forum once or twice back then - when I put 100 hours into FFXII. The majority of the posters agreed that FFXII was lacking on the story and character fronts, although there were some hardcore, 20 paragraph post people who defended it to the death. Every game has obsessive 'tards.

I'm aware that Basch was originally planned to be the lead but, because the people in charge didn't think kids would be able to connect with a grizzly older man, they made a boygirl with very little to do with anything the main character. But, in truth, the entire cast were bad anyway thanks to the poor writing and the lack of time given to the support cast preventing them from coming into their own; breaking away from the cliches and becoming real people. I only liked the Han Solo guy - he looked cool, had a decent voice actor and had a catgirlthing follow him.

When I first started FFXII, I thought it was awesome because of the gameplay. It was only after I'd put a lot of time into it and realized that I didn't give a toss about what was going on, why I was killing things and who the characters were, and that's not a good way to be be thinking about something that's supposed to pull you into its world. The only thing that kept me playing was the gameplay, which for a long time was different enough to keep me enjoying the game, despite its serious story/character issues. But I eventually reached a point where the gameplay had become so familiar that it bored me, and at that point I didn't know or care what was going on in terms of the story, so I quit.

FFXII is a lot like Wild Arms 5 - horrible as a story, cliched and generally poor dialogue...yet, because of the gameplay, I played it for more hours than I should have. Neither are great RPGs because they failed to make me care.

Anyway, FFXIII. Like I said, I don't care a great deal about it and won't start to until/if I ever get a PS3. I'd say I'll be interested to see the reviews but, regardless of its quality, it'll get close to top marks by every pro-reviewer. FFX-2 did, FFXIII will. The only way I'll ever know for sure if its good or bad is if, like with FFX and FFXII, I play it for myself.

Anyone got a spare HDTV and PS3?