
Haha, every time I make posts in any consistent manner in a thread, the usual gaggle of village idiots turns out to bawl and whine about being offended and all that. And then I'm the one that ends up getting the official warning. This is getting a little tiring ...
Loved the Sony conference, a lot made me excited. ModNation looks really cool! Like, amazingly cool. I'm in two minds about what I prefer between Microsoft's flashy interactive thing and Sony's interactive thing. I think I like Sony's more. Uncharted 2 looks spectacular, also.

Plus, its a competition. Why else would the companies keep all the secrets to display at E3?
CitizenGeek said:
Lupus said:
The only two games I have any remote interest in for Sony was FF:XIII and The Last Guardian, God of War III I've already played, well, the Japanese version that is. DMC4.

Hah, there you go again. Everytime you try to be all snide and 'informed' about anime or games, It's actually cringe-inducing. Really, at least think up some entertaining snideness or something.
What the **** ever. No one cares about what you have to say, we know you love Sony and you think Nintendo is horrible, I at least try to consider myself fair to all three. Stop posting.
Jayme said:
Plus, its a competition. Why else would the companies keep all the secrets to display at E3?
Because it's about gaining interest in games; not selling to the mindless masses. It's no different from an anime con.
Maxon said:
Because it's about gaining interest in games; not selling to the mindless masses. It's no different from an anime con.
I'd say its about gaining one up on your competition. They are trying to dominate one market, and its all done via competition. There might not be obvious winners and losers, but I'm more than certain there is more interest in what Sony and Microsoft have offered to the table than Nintendo. I'd say Nintendo lost. ;p
I would honestly say Sony won this E3 if we're all playing like this, but I'd say barely, like 2/3 of their Conference was really boring and crappy like Nintendo's, but in the last 1/3 BAM it was great. Nintendo lost this E3, but they have definately redeemed themselves from the last E3, Metroid, Golden Sun, SMG+ and Pikmin 3, although they're aiming for the casual market hardcore and selling out fast, they're still making some good games, regardless of what some people thing. Microsoft's Conference often dropped and then rose in quality and was fairly consistant, but I still think Sony won even if the whole PSP Go section was mind-numbing rage enducing nonsense.
Jayme said:
Maxon said:
Because it's about gaining interest in games; not selling to the mindless masses. It's no different from an anime con.
I'd say its about gaining one up on your competition. They are trying to dominate one market, and its all done via competition. There might not be obvious winners and losers, but I'm more than certain there is more interest in what Sony and Microsoft have offered to the table than Nintendo. I'd say Nintendo lost. ;p
Then Nintedo goes on to sell millions of games and consoles to non gamers and stop attending e3, after all, why bother? ;)

But anyway, I agree the companies compete for market share. Nintendo strength is in creating a demand for softwares and consoles for the casual gamer and "party" gamers.

Like Geek mentioned, Nintendo became a toy maker, not a game company. I must agree with this considering their current output. The only thing I bought for the wii this last one year was SSBB.
chaos said:
But anyway, I agree the companies compete for market share. Nintendo strength is in creating a demand for softwares and consoles for the casual gamer and "party" gamers.

Like Geek mentioned, Nintendo became a toy maker, not a game company. I must agree with this considering their current output. The only thing I bought for the wii this last one year was SSBB.

Yeah, people who need to l2p in the most literal sense, because the market is so bloody littered with filth that even that nostalgic feeling, of playing FFVIII despite not being able to understand an English word, is fading away.
I can't really tell what is my favourite news of E3 so far. Though I'm rather disapointed with Nintendo this year. MS, meh, only Natal impressed me. Otherwise, FFXIII and TLG impressed me.

Also, yay for Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days release date. I know I hated the series as it is, since... II. But I'm playing the japanese version and I'm rather impressed with it.
chaos said:
Like Geek mentioned, Nintendo became a toy maker, not a game company. I must agree with this considering their current output. The only thing I bought for the wii this last one year was SSBB.
Does anyone even know Nintendo's history? They were a toy maker in the past. Besides, games are still toys.
Maxon said:
chaos said:
Like Geek mentioned, Nintendo became a toy maker, not a game company. I must agree with this considering their current output. The only thing I bought for the wii this last one year was SSBB.
Does anyone even know Nintendo's history? They were a toy maker in the past. Besides, games are still toys.
AFAIK, they were a game developer from creation. Only difference is that back in the 1800's they were making playing cards.

Anyway, I won't argue that games are only toys. It's just semantics in the end, because the older game audience would be more reluctant to accept them as a toy. ;)
Easily, I think, Sony won. The new Eye Toy thingy seems like the best kind of motion controller, by far and away more appealing than the Wii and Project Natal. The actual motion controllers themselves seem a little ugly though, so I hope they change in time. Agent, FFXIV, ModNation, Heavy Rain, God of War III, (and most especially) The Last Guardian as well as multi-platform confirmations like MGS: Rising and Lost Planet 2 make the PS3 even more appealing than the 360 now. PSP also had a good showing - new Resident Evil and MGS, hurrah! The one disappointment was the lack of a redesigned PS3 :/

Maxon said:
Does anyone even know Nintendo's history? They were a toy maker in the past. Besides, games are still toys.

No, games are entertainment, just like music and movies. Unless you consider movies and music as toys, then I'm sure you have your definitions messed up. Nintendo no longer make entertainment (by and large), they make toys.
I don't think its fair to say Nintendo make toys whilst your praising Sony's own Wii Wand copy. Toys, are also a form of entertainment and whilst personally I'd still say Nintendo are firmly in the gaming industry, they are not in the "gamer industry". Sony, in my opinion are massively fantastic (especially lately) at appealing to all demographics and types of people. Casual gamers get caught on with SingStar and EyeToy and the hardcores come for Final Fantasy, war games etc. Microsoft, although proved successful with their lineup (especially for the late-teens audience) still cannot reach the younger ages like Sony could with Crash Bandicoot and Rachet & Clank (see Viva Pinata and Lips).

The actual conferences, Microsoft were flashy, attention-grabbing and quite awesome with Felicia Day and Steven Spielberg. It was a real show. Nintendo was average, with decent people celebrating their games, but I didn't really think much of the things they were showing off. I'm still confused about that Wii Motion Plus thing, why can't my original remote play archery? And a heart-beat monitor, WTF? Sony merged nicely, with some statstics and boasting (like Nintendo) but it also had the sleek shock factor (for me anyway) about some of the announcements.

I enjoyed them all, though.
Well I am glad that you're taking a balanced and fair few Jayme. I still hold firm to my belief that Nintendo still have the magic, even if a lot of things on the Wii are glorified mini games.
CitizenGeek said:
No, games are entertainment, just like music and movies. Unless you consider movies and music as toys, then I'm sure you have your definitions messed up. Nintendo no longer make entertainment (by and large), they make toys.
A toy requires interacting with it. You interact with games but not movies and music. So, no, my definition is not messed up.
It's funny to see the kind of linguistic gymnastics you're using to try to define all games as "toys" just so Nintendo don't look so bad making dull, dull crap like Wii Fit and Wii Vitality and Wii Minigame Compilation #56. Nintendo don't have that magic anymore. They lost with the N64 and the GC, so they pulled out of the games industry. It's annoying that such a great number of people are falling for their attempts to retain the few loyal fans they have.
I don't think it's quite fair to say Nintendo have pulled out of the gaming industry, I don't like the new direction, but it's not like they are ignoring their roots. I mean look at all the games they announced at E3.