
Ok wan grate kweschn. Wer da fak is teh tides of turn based rpg?
I might be a blind fool with a severe lack of concentration, but I had this feeling over the years that developers seek to amaze us, consumers, with über flashy graphics and flashy combat system, that is primitive as ****. (Umm, Heavenly Sword?)

Ok, fine, we're not totally screwed yet, there's Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2.
I haven't yet watched Ubisoft or EA's press conferences. I expect the latter to be full of The Sims 3 fluff, does anything interesting happen for those who have already seen 'em? I'll watch them tomorrow I think.
i don't think Sims 3 was even mentioned at E3 this year and in all fairness, i don't see why it needs to be with it out on friday.

Ubisoft had Red Steel 2, Assassins Creed 2 and the new Splinter Cell there, but nothing else really worth a mention. I'm hoping both Nintendo and Sony gives us a good insight on whats to come. New Zelda has been rumoured, so we better get something on it.
Arbalest said:
i don't think Sims 3 was even mentioned at E3 this year and in all fairness, i don't see why it needs to be with it out on friday..
I was thinking more along the lines of expansions, since the game is basically out.

Also, video has just appeared on GameTrailers Nintendo stream. Nothing happening yet.
Can't believe I watched the EA and UbiSoft conferences, they were really bad. I don't have much faith in SE either, throwing out the usual typical cliché garbage to impress the Westerners such as Neir and the new Front Mission (Which I would like, but just... look at it.)

EDIT: Cammy Dunaway is speaking for Nintendo again? lol.
Right then. Overall, Nintendo sucked. Probably end up getting Super Mario Galaxy 2, but it looked they've changed nothing.

ETA: I wont, but family'll possibly end up getting Wii Fit Plus.
CitizenGeek said:
I'd imagine Sony will have some way of allowing you to download games you already own for free. It'll make the PSP Go so much less appealing if you can't play PSP games you already own on it.

Althought your comment makes perfect sense, it's not the case for happy (?!?) PS3 owners.

I've kept my PS2 around for a while, untill I decided to let it go. It's a shame as I had a few good titles in it.
So, two new mario Wii games, Galaxy 2 and Bros Wii, which is good, but what got me was Metroid: Project M, whoa that looks nice. Brother says thats what samus looks like in the manga, so whether or not it means it has a link to the manga i couldn't say. But still, a game to expect next year.

Dead Space and Resi also are two i'll look to get, bar that, i dunno, the rest seemed a bit meh. Still, sony in 40 minutes.
Jayme said:
Overall, Nintendo sucked.

I hope you're not serious, did you even watch E3 last year? I'm going to wait for Sony's conference, but so far to me, they won. Metroid by Team Ninja? DO ******* WANT.

EDIT: Oh and Golden Sun DS too, but I'm not too interested, but it's definately a big thing.
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I did actually. I wasn't impressed either then. I can vaguely remember them talking about money for 75% of the time. Looking really at Nintendo's main franchises, I don't really know them. Hence me not exciting at Metroid etc. And I also wouldn't be first in line to buy Wii Resort or Wii Music, if were talking past E3.

Microsoft are winning to me. I hate them because of that.
I know, I hate that MS is winning too! :p

Nintendo seem to have sucked massively, if the paltry list of underwhelming announcements is anything to go by. But Nintendo is a toy maker now, not a video game company, so I pretty much expected them to suck.

The Sony conference is about to start! Yay! :]
The thing is though, Microsoft has been the best in terms of conferences for the past year, so them turning out better here would be of no surprise to me.

Nintendo had a lot which wasn't really appealing, however as soon as they mentioned Golden Sun, Mario Galaxy and most of all metroid, i thought it was good. I know there are some that don't like Nintendo thinking its not built for the more common gamer, but that is still bollocks, as Metroid quite obviously proves, its not just catering games for all.
That Metroid game looked far better than most of the games shown so far, easily. The only things that could win Sony for me is Trico and Zone of the Enders 3, everything else is redundant.
Metroid Wii 2 is just a token game to appease Nintendo fanboys. Nothing else on Wii appeals to hardcore gamers, really. It's a joke that they're at E3.

Drake's Fortune 2 looked fantastic :]
Do you even know what you're talking about most of the time, or is getting in as many pop references as possible more important than actually making sense? :s
Gran Turismo on PSP (finally!). Never really liked racing games, but everyone seems to say GT is awesome so I'll check it on PSP eventually :]

Lupus said:
Well if you were being ignorant towards certain games I don't see the problem with me being ignorant, either.

Yeah, because it's just ignorance to think that Nintendo's games these days are hardly even games at all?