E3 2007

Nintendo Conference:

Nintendo kicked off their press conference by announcing a new controller for the nintendo wii, the Wii-zapper, basically a light gun version for games such as Umbrella Chronicles and a new time crisis game. Also for those that have been after a release date of SSBB, there is one, at least for america. December the 3rd. Gameplay of both Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass were both shown at the conference, and zelda is made to use only the touch screen. Mario Kart has been announce for the Wii, along with online gaming capabilities, and a new controller for driving games.
Outlawstar would like this, america get Super Mario Galaxy in November, so i am guessing that it will be released here not too long afterwards.
Shigeru Miyamoto showed off the Wii Balance Board, which by the look of things is used for games made for fitness.
Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.
Did you see the mario galaxy trailer.
One of the new powers has mario get into a bee suit.
It just looks so polished and is the game the wii has been craving.
Watching it for me,a seriously hardcore ninty man,I couldint help being overwhelmingly excited.
i am a big Nintendo fan, and i couldn't help but feel shoved aside from Ninty's E3 conference.
i Think they are getting too carried away with their audience expansion project. sure its good to get new players but they are seriously effecting the core gamers...like me...i mean..i wanted some proper suprises and decent games to be shown...not information i have found on the net several months ago... (yes i knew about wii fit, apart from the mat peripheral).

Also they didnt show any information on Disaster: Day of crisis (a game that was shown at last years e3).

i Think Nintendo has some devious plans up it's sleeve. i have a feeling that they are currently trying to convert and gain as many Nintendo fans and new comers with the Wii then when (and hopefully) Nintendo unviels it's new console in a few years, it will be a definite hit and money maker, because of the Wii's popularity and success.
I did enjoy the two conferences i saw(couldn't get the Sony one, though i did catch the MGS4 trailer, which looked pretty good) though i do think the 360's was just a tad more better. Although when i did watch it, the 'exclusives' they said they where getting..where going onto the PS3 as well, ok i get the idea of GTAIV getting more content on the 360 than the PS3, but its still going onto the PS3 non-the less.
As for some of the game previews, Eternal Sonata looks interesting, as well as Wild arms 5, warriors orochi( i like the DW and SW franchise) and i'm looking forward to seeing Ratchet & Clank later on today.
Nope, it started on the 10th, and finishes today. It usually is during July last i checked. I think TGS is closer to september.
E3 was a bit crap this year. No really exciting new announcements, a few new screens for a few good games, and a plastic circle dubbed "revolutionary".
Warriors Orochi looks very nice, I am yet to watch the Ratchet and Clank Furture videos.. New PS3 model was announced, made specifically for Online apparently.

Edit: nevermind, mis-read a post.
This is what I most wanted to see at E3:


Other games I'm interested in that got shown: Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword, Star Wars: Force Unleashed, PES 2008, GT5, Burnout Paradise, Fallout 3, and Echocrome.

I don't think FFXIII was shown and I knew GTAIV wouldn't be shown (there's going to be one more trailer before it's released).
FFXIII wasn't shown, but GTAIV did get a mention..especially since it was mentioned at the MS conference that its getting two extra chapters to download via XBLM. The only real thing that was disappointing was that some of the big name games(SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, etc) never got a European release date announced, just US.
I didn't realise that SCIV had a new trailer till yesterday, looks great, can't wait to see what the online gameplay will be like for it(i'm sure i read/watched some stuff saying that it was confirmed).
CitizenGeek said:
Does everyone pretty much agree that Sony 'won' this E3?

To be honest, no not really. They weren't the best in my opinion, i mean, a new PSP design, sure it'll be lighter, and have connectivity to Sony HDTV's and has a couple of decent looking games, but thats about it. GTAIV will have more to do on the 360 version and MGS4 and Heavenly sword are the only two games i saw that where probably Big for Sony. MS was better, and Nintendo(ok i wasn't sure about the Wii Fit, but the rest was great).
If anything i was more impressed with Nintendo, specially since we finally get a date for SSBB, Mario Galaxy, RE:UC, a new mario kart announced.

Chrono Demon said:
Arlabest, We're getting Metroid Prime 3 and SMG this year, but SSBB we're getting next year =P

I knew that much, but i would have liked a more accurate release date other than Q3 or 4, or for the likes of SSBB, early 2K8.