E3 2007

Ahhh gotta the love E3 for the teaser trailers: Resi 5 and Silent Hill 5 easily take the prize for the "we really couldnt be arsed to show anything so heres some static shots/shadows to whet your appetities" award.

Seriously looking forward to Warhawk, Lair and Little Big Planet, aside from that Killzone 2 looks not too shabbs (cant really go wrong with fps' - add pretty and guns) and the behemoth series of Devil May Cry, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy etc etc

Only Fable 2 and Halo 3 actually got be worked up over the 360 but i havent really devled deep enough to look for anything other than the 360 signature titles. I blame microsoft and their inability to make a working console - at least when it came to me. :wink: (i jest! i jest!)

Oh and Lost: The Video Game.....great idea whoever came up with that.....
Chrono Demon said:
Arlabest, We're getting Metroid Prime 3 and SMG this year, but SSBB we're getting next year =P
It's because on Nintendo's world map America and Japan are the only places visible, Europe appears several months later and they all jump up and say "OH SHI-- We forgot about Europe!"

... no, not really, but it's near enough truth.
Lupus Inu said:
Chrono Demon said:
Arlabest, We're getting Metroid Prime 3 and SMG this year, but SSBB we're getting next year =P
It's because on Nintendo's world map America and Japan are the only places visible, Europe appears several months later and they all jump up and say "OH SHI-- We forgot about Europe!"

... no, not really, but it's near enough truth.

Yeah youre right,although they have improved a bit in recent years but yeah.........your right.

i know its not from E3, but hey RE5 was shown there earlier. There was more information released about RE5 for anyone thats interested.

-The game is set 10 years after Raccoon City, meaning it will be "present day" by the time it comes out.
-Chris Redfield is the main protagonist, now working for an organisation called the BSAA (as denoted by the patch on his uniform).
-BSAA's goals are unclear. Not known if Chris is fighting for good or evil.
-Events in Chris's past that took place between RE1 and RE5 will be broached.
-Lighting effects simulate the transition from light places to dark places, similar to how Half Life 2 used HDR.
-RE5's gameplay same as RE4's, plus extra features.
-A returning female character will be shown in the next trailer. She will feature heavily in the gameplay, i.e. be playable.
-Enemies are not Zombies or Ganados, but are in fact even more "human-like".

Both IGN and 1UP published these details from the Famitsu RE5 preview.

From image i saw of the female character, its possible its Sherry.

Edit: oh yeah, apparently we may need to wait until 2009 for the game too, how annoying is that?
Arbalest said:

i know its not from E3, but hey RE5 was shown there earlier. There was more information released about RE5 for anyone thats interested.

-The game is set 10 years after Raccoon City, meaning it will be "present day" by the time it comes out.
-Chris Redfield is the main protagonist, now working for an organisation called the BSAA (as denoted by the patch on his uniform).
-BSAA's goals are unclear. Not known if Chris is fighting for good or evil.
-Events in Chris's past that took place between RE1 and RE5 will be broached.
-Lighting effects simulate the transition from light places to dark places, similar to how Half Life 2 used HDR.
-RE5's gameplay same as RE4's, plus extra features.
-A returning female character will be shown in the next trailer. She will feature heavily in the gameplay, i.e. be playable.
-Enemies are not Zombies or Ganados, but are in fact even more "human-like".

Both IGN and 1UP published these details from the Famitsu RE5 preview.

From image i saw of the female character, its possible its Sherry.

Edit: oh yeah, apparently we may need to wait until 2009 for the game too, how annoying is that?

Sounds pretty good, sticking to the resi 4 formula gets my vote just as long as they keep the mercenaries mode in. Oh so many evenings wasted on that.

I remember reading somewhere that there was going to be a emphasis on the heat in this game, ie you've got to keep on drinking water else you'll start to get heatstroke and hallucinate. It sounds pretty crazy and frankly a bit silly, walking around in fear of zombie attack is all well and good but the sun as well?! Reduce the inventory space even more with flasks? Whether they keep it in or if its just a wild rumour i dunno but something for you to think about.