Possibly!So what you're saying is that everyone is farked, apart from diamond, the master and probably two others, if they did that to a 8 mohs stone

We'll have to wait and see, I guess. Look at episode 1, though: the Lunarians never showed any interest in Cinnabar but showed up as soon as Phos put in an appearance, so it's partly about "desirability" as well. From Wikipedia:
Phosphophyllite is a rare mineral composed of hydrated zinc phosphate. Its name derives from its chemical composition (phosphate) and the Greek word for "leaf", phyllon, a reference to its cleavage. It is highly prized by collectors for its rarity and for its delicate bluish green colour. Phosphophyllite is rarely cut because it is fragile and brittle, and large crystals are too valuable to be broken up.

Phosphophyllite - Wikipedia
Well, my girlfriend agrees with you there dude. "I know he was 'napping', but how could he not notice the recent attack?" she says. "I want to be wrong about this, though".It's super early on but I am going to go on and say that the master feels like kind of off to me
So there you go.

Plot thickens.