DOA:Dead Or Alive - The Movie

The free tickets were to any movie showing and I had to see DOA

I liked it

It was a simple beat em up movie sure the dialogue wasn't good but neither was street fighters and I watched that and liked it.

Enjoyed the fact that they got the DOA Volleyball franchise into the movie too.

It wasn't great but it was good in my eyes.
I will have no bad words said about this film! I saw it with my mate the other week and we both enjoyed it as a guilty pleasure, not for the storyline (I'm told there actually was one!) but just for seeing the characters come to life, even if the acting was lacking ever so slightly...

After all, let's face it if you want a beat 'em up with a storyline you're better off going for Soul Calibur or Tekken or something. DOA is all about eye candy so the film was inevitably going to be a bit trashy. Overall I was happy with how it truthfully kept to the games - most of the actors actually looked like their characters (except for Hyabussa, but I'm only going by DOA2) and it was good to see DOA Volleyball got a shameless mention too!

By far my favourite bit in it was some of the sound effects; most notably Leon's arms making shotgun noises! Personally I don't think it took itself overly serious, and benefited from it. It's no ground breaking film but I thought it was made pretty well and it'd be hard to think of how to make a better DOA movie. I'd change one thing though: I had a small bet with my mate that Jan Lee would kill Kasumi in the last scene, but he barely gets a mention... :(

Woah that post got out of control... sorry.
where's my cow? said:
By far my favourite bit in it was some of the sound effects; most notably Leon's arms making shotgun noises! Personally I don't think it took itself overly serious, and benefited from it. It's no ground breaking film but I thought it was made pretty well and it'd be hard to think of how to make a better DOA movie.

Totally agree with you there, I love that bit with his arms.

What got me was the first round fights were a bit short and the characters seemed to avoid using there special moves and kept to punching and kicking.

Good news though, its rumoured that the DVD release will have extended fight scenes included and quite a few deleted scenes that didn't make it into the final cut due to movie length restrictions
Everyone, be excited! DOA: Dead Or Alive is released on DVD on Monday (8th January 2007) complete with "Making of... documentary" AND Deleted Scenes.

lol I'm excited!
Hovis! said:
Everyone, be excited! DOA: Dead Or Alive is released on DVD on Monday (8th January 2007) complete with "Making of... documentary" AND Deleted Scenes.

lol I'm excited!

So much for my cheap week, I will be buying this :D
Hovis! said:
McIcy said:
So much for my cheap week, I will be buying this :D

You know what's really tragic? I will too! Well, someone has got to help invest in the crap-but-good film business! :lol:

yeah because sometimes thats where the truely amazing and memorable films eventually surface from
Just wait; five years from now they'll be calling it a "cult classic". It's like the first Mortal Kombat movie.
looks like i have to get ahold of this film somehow.....
from what i am reading here, i take it its a mix of Snakes on a Plane with street fighter with babes. (not literally snakes on a plane, but the randomly poorly made film...on purpose lol)
should be a laugh.
CNash said:
Just wait; five years from now they'll be calling it a "cult classic". It's like the first Mortal Kombat movie.

Could well be the story is pretty much the same but with some volleyball thrown in and more hot chicks
I watched this on DVD the other day as my Bro got it on DVD and for what it is its preety good, its very faithfull the DOA formula that the games used. If you want some easy light entertainment then this film is definatly alive and not dead LOL 8)
I bought this on Saturday and whether with shame or not really, really like it!

Take it for what it is and its just a very fun (and sexy) movie! The person who mentioned it was like Snakes On A Plane but with women doing martial arts is spot-on in my opinion! That's exactly what I thought after watching it a second time!

Aaron said:
Helena is LOVELY in the movie. :)

The woman who played Helena is called Sarah Carter and I actually find her sexier than Holly Valance (who played Christie), which is saying a lot because I find Ms. Valance very sexy indeed!

I also like the film because it doesn't attempt to take itself seriously and also is a very colourful and bright film to look at too.

I also like how sunglasses represent the future of technology in the film. :lol:
Hovis! said:
Aaron said:
Helena is LOVELY in the movie. :)

The woman who played Helena is called Sarah Carter and I actually find her sexier than Holly Valance (who played Christie), which is saying a lot because I find Ms. Valance very sexy indeed!
- Agreed she is HOT also Jaime Pressly is very very fit.

Hovis! said:
I also like the film because it doesn't attempt to take itself seriously and also is a very colourful and bright film to look at too.
- yeah the volleyball bit really is just pointless fun in the sun and a very nice tie in to the games other franchised series.

Hovis! said:
I also like how sunglasses represent the future of technology in the film. :lol:
- Very Mission Impossible in that respect

Damn just checked my Amazon order and because I ordered this with Air Gear vol.3 manga I won't be getting it til February DAMN IT.