DOA:Dead Or Alive - The Movie

Yes it's true!

The cast list:

Credited cast:
Devon Aoki .... Kasumi
Derek Boyer .... Bayman
Sarah Carter .... Helena Douglas
Collin Chou .... Hayate
Steve Howey .... Weatherby
Kane Kosugi .... Ryu Hayabusa
Natassia Malthe .... Ayane
Matthew Marsden .... Maximillian Marsh
Chad McCord .... Chief Detective
Kevin Nash .... Bass
Jaime Pressly .... Tina Armstrong
Eric Roberts .... Donovan
Robin Shou .... Pirate Leader
Silvio Simac .... Leon
Holly Valance .... Christie Allen
Brian J. White .... Zack

Lol B-movie cheese mixed with Charlie's Angels and House Of Flying Daggers perhaps? Why are they all holding samurai swords and posing together? It's crying out failure! I mean Holly Valance as Christie? :shock:
That Ayane doesn't look very convincing either! But I'm sure it would be hilariously bad to watch like Street Fighter: The Movie!

What do you all think? :D
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I certainly agree that this looks hilariously bad. Maybe the sort of thing it's fun to watch purely for humour to be found in things bad acting/cheesiness and the like ;) .
I got a bad hangover now I see that makes my hed hurt even more haha. Somebody put us out of our misery and put it in a cupboard where it will never be found.
If you were still drunk you might enjoy certainly looks like the sort of film you could never enjoy while in a sober state of mind!
..i can see that this looks really bad....i think i would have to see it though to say if it was going to be utterly terrible
Films based upon computer games are best done in CG in my opinion, otherwise it is unlikely to be loyal to the game. Can't think of any live-action movies-of-games that are loyal, actually. Still, the disloyal ones can still be good; Resident Evil movie 1, Tomb Raider movies, etc.

DoA movie looks set to be a stinker. I'll still watch it though.
i watched the trailer last night, and i can't say it's surprising.

i learned not to get my hopes up when it comes to video games based films a LONG time ago - from stuff like street fighter the movie and mortal kombat, hahaha ^^;
The terrifying thought is that there are people out there who will actually ENJOY it... Saw the trailer and it's got a volleyball scene in it...

(Still, I'll go see it with the lads... Sometimes a cheesy movie's all you need!)