Rui said:
I don't think the SAO II issues are huge ones, thankfully. I have to ask though, what's wrong with the episode 7 text?
The quotes under the pictures. Warning possible SPOILERS (if you can understand what's being said)
Picture: kirito being hugged by nurse.
Description : Kirito is unable to forgive himself for for-getting those he killed in ODS. While it is gnawed by guilt, Miss Aki reminded that through his struggle of lives were saved.
Picture: Sinon
Description: Otherwise Kirito and will again face in the main event of BoB. Otherwise swear vehemently not to lose. The attitude of the young genes suggests a fierce battle!
Picture: Asuna & the gang.
Description: Asuna confronts monsters in ALO with the rest of his usual group, but is unable to focus. His thoughts turned to Kirito. His moment of distraction is nearly fatal to Klein.
So yeah, a pretty entertaining read but I would say a much bigger fault than reprinting the same character description twice. A lot of it makes no sense it doesn't know what game the heroes were trapped in giving you ODS instead of SAO and changes the main heroes waifu into a man referring to Asuna as 'his' twice

there are others in this section but I thought these 3 were the best
PS. "The attitude of the young genes suggests a fierce battle!" should have been on all the promo material