I'm gonna say this just once:
Speaking from my perspective as a 35 year old man with a vested interest in media publishing... The Daily Mail is possibly one of the shabbiest, most reprehensible tabloid rags out there. Staffed by idiots, prone to wildly irresponsible journalism and frequently pushing a very clear agenda irrespective of THE FACTS, this rag doesn't deserve your money or anybody else's.
It comes as no surprise to me that somebody in their ranks has set their beady little eyes on anime (again) as it's a pretty clear trend in this paper that they'll attack any minority group. Immigrants, minority religions, people of alternative lifestyles and political viewpoints... they're all fair game to these jokers.
What amuses me is that this 'newspaper', which regularly draw attention to the latest subversive evils apparently threatening to corrupt our great country, does a great deal of harm itself in its alarmist, innacurate and often deeply offensive reportage.
I will NEVER spend money on this godawful, horrible publication - not even if it's for someone else. And nobody in this thread or with a single working brain cell should either.