Daily Mail: Ban this sick filth!

You know what I find the weirdest? That as of this moment, 204 people have actually chosen to click and display the fact that they "like" that article on their Facebook. Not to share it with others, you understand, but to explicitly say that they like that article.

Then again, looking at a few other articles 669 people apparently "like" a piece about a young woman killing herself. Strange times. Stranger people.
I can't put this as eloquently as some of you guys/girls have but my god the daily mail is so full of **** sometimes.
Today's Daily Mail features a picture on page 8 of....Lockerbie Bomber Megrahi lying on a counterfeit Pokémon pillow!.

I lol'd.
I do wonder if one day we will stop seeing **** like this, but I doubt it will be any time soon.

Rui said:
innocent young girls falling prey to demonic men

They are kinda describing Twilight more than most anime here...

Max Takeshi said:
Just before Pokemon got its UK release The Daily Fail ran an article on it. I recall one of the sentences reading: 'The monsters try to kill each other with ray guns'.
Muslamic ones?

VoxPhantom said:
I'll carry on reading the Mail for its great sports coverage
I was going to post something similar, their sports writing is legit and worth the price of the paper. Also I can't help but laugh at Littlejohn, haha.
mangaman74 said:
Riggy92 said:
I can't put this as eloquently as some of you guys/girls have but my god the daily mail is so full of **** sometimes.

Can't you afford proper toilet paper?

you'll need one of these then.

his name is Pichi from those who hunt elves

look up why if your woundering i choose him its actually funny
"Manga is a hugely popular genre in Japan. There are magazines for children, adults and senior citizens, and titles targeted at special interest groups such as golfers, businessmen and new mothers."

"A small number of titles have explicit content."

And that is why I like the BBC.

Shiroi Hane said:
BBC said:
Manga is a hugely popular genre in Japan. There are magazines for children, adults and senior citizens, and titles targeted at special interest groups such as golfers, businessmen and new mothers.
At least someone at the BBC has been listening to Jonathan Clements.
Moral of the story: Never trust an organisation where all the employees are called Emma.
Joshawott said:
Just noticed that the Kiddy Grade image and that other one have been removed from the article. Shame that paragraph is still there.


Probably becuase you sent MvM a heads up, assuming they were not already aware of it. I'd expect their legal team came down on the mail like a ton of bricks.

I've always disliked these kind of articles, not only becuase they get things massively wrong or distort them but they often fail to grasp a key point. Any title released in the UK is done so becuase they think it will sell, the medium is massive and is just as diverse as films or books, if all we get are quetionable titles it reflects more on the US/UK than Japan. Fortunately we have passed Manga UK's stage of keep it underground and niche and are getting a lot more varied titles thesedays.