Count to a Million


*Smothers Tachi with arm pit*

Looking forward to the new star trek. Just hope it's as good as it's being made out. A flop would be devastating.

*looks at watch*

Gonna try and sneak out early so I'll say ciao for now lads! Have a good weekend and all that jazz. See you on the monday morning!!

*tries not to thinkabout work MOnday*

Bye *waves and time travels to 4.30*

*holds out hand and bullet stops dead in its tacks*

Its going to be strange to see Simon Pegg in that movie though, can't wait to hear his 'scottish' accent :lol:

C'ya later Voddas :thumb:

::wipes brow, downs pint of water::

Afternoon anyone who's still here... Phew, packing is thristy work. Why, why, WHY doesn't someone make standard sized boxes for paperback books and DVDs?

Well guys, I prob'ly won't be joining the breakfast club again until Tuesday at the earliest, what with the move. So have a good weeekend everyone and I'll see you later! :p

Cya Ayase

I have 10 more mins!

*calls out of window *


*sits down*


damn you clock, hurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy

1+ to black for the failed wisdom lol

what do i do about missing laura? riht now i wouldn't mind snugglin into her bosoms an goin to sleep.
11707 well you have two options you can either do the movie like thing and as soon as you get out of work, you run to where she is and be with her (could be anydistance you have still have to run without using taxi, train etc) or you could just be patient and wait for the weekend

okay i'll wait for the weekend to do it. but can't wait for the flat. then i'll go home everynight to her :D

im off now. neeeeed Lauraaaaa....neeeeeeed sllleeeeeeeep.....

*sleepily walks out of door*

cya all

Morning :p Hope you had an awesome weekend. Mine was good like.

May be disappearing a lot today with work. Very busy day! I hate Mondays too T_T

Hey mate, yeah my weekend wer'nt too bad actually. Sorted out my tele so its performing to its highest HD :)

started watching Prison Break, ever seen it? its not that bad, there is a but, but im not sure what the but is yet lol

yeah im busy today too, us taxmen get it in the ear too much Voddas

Your not wrong Fox. Your not wrong. :roll:

I got my Sky+ Box replaced after my other one developed a fault. Nice clean new one is awesome but I lost all my saved stuff... nothing to sevear lost like.
Also gutted the back room of the house coz it was just full of stuff. The kinda stuff you don't need but have anyway... like a stereo with no speakers or a light that flashed the word Bar ^_^ All this stuff an more was skipped or given to charity and the room has since doubled in size. I love my back room now coz it's soo empty. Yay! I think I let it get away from me. Heh.

Never watched Prison Break. Been tempted to like. When it first came out it had 24 and LOST to contend with land I chose to miss it.