Count to a Million


*walks in pealing off bandages*

Look! I'm healing already! :D

I see Tachi has posted his misses picture. Told you he was a sly dog Fox. :lol:
11663 correction he's a sly ninja i can now reveal for the first time that he's a sony ninja, how else do you explain the army of sack boys?

btw nice healing ablility Voddas...or should i say Adam :p (or Claire if you prefer :lol: )

O_O *ahem* I don't know what your talking about Black *wistles a tune*

On subject: I've just finished watching series 2 with the misses, now I can finally start on series three! *squeels with delight*
11665 Nice you're in for a treat i'm on ep 4 now and i'm liking it, plently of twists so get ready to wear your shocked expression. do you have the eps sky+ already?
Did have them on my Sky+ Box but had to reset it so lost them all so downloaded the american episodes instead. Got Episodes 1-5 to watch. ^_^

*returns with a take-away Thai chicken noodles meal that screams "heaaaaven"*

afternoon all...Hmmmmmm *drools* i love this meal. a treat for doing something or other, okay i don't need a reason NOODLE TIME!

i know, sly but i luv her an awful lot and call each other everynight, talk for ages and then continue online. its a shame i live in luton and she lives in a town called letchworth...about 15mins drive from i've been ordered to pass my theory and actual so i can come see her more than just weekends...well the flat next year will be in luton as i'm abit of a homeboy and don't really like moving lol :p

*carries on filling his face* Hmmmmmmmm :D

I love noodles too :p

Think I mite make noodles for tea tonight now you've mentioned them. TASTY!
I'm glad your happy with her Tachi. Have you tested her on any anime yet? That's one hell of a test like heh.

Nope haven't shown her it yet.....thats like having a could go wrong lol

she knows that i watch anime. questioned me on what the pic i drew for fox was about. but still loves me so i guess when we get the flat...i think anime will be put on hold for a while

Very good pont Black :lol:

EDIT/ But your wrong after Tachi post Black!

Or should I say SYLAR!!
*throws black out the room using the power of his mind*

Job done.

*claps dust off hands*
11672 you know i could say something really funny and clever but it will have to wait till you've seen ep 4 of Heroes Volume 3 :p Besides i'm not stylar...i'm....

*freezes time then teleports to Voddas location and draws a moustache on with a black marker then teleports back*

*unfreezes tim*

Hiro :p

*voddas with drawn on tache turns in a tree stump in a puff of smoke*

HAhaaaa!! Not only am I the slightly wierd Peter Petrelli but I also have high skill ninja replacement techniques up my sleaves.


EDIT/ :lol:mad:Tach
11675 ah ha but i only unfroze tim so how are the rest of you talking and posting :p (real answer: I type to fast sometimes so i shorten words without realising it, and i don't ever proof read forum posts :p )

so peter copied Naurto's powers eh? god imagine Stylar in that world :eek:
Yeah O_O
Multiplying himself 100 times fold! And having snakes pouring out of every body hole!!

*thinks on sentence, pauses, then shudders*
11677 if he was like that it would give an all new take on why he wants Claire :lol: The Overfiend would be jealous...Overfiend vs Stylar

*cracking sound is heard*

oh dear i do think my brain has just been fried
11679 actually i saw it as having a tagline as "Whoever wins, Claire loses"

*returns to being sick at the thought the wrong mixing of hentai and Heroes*

Funny though notice how everyone has vanished since we went down this path

Not vanished, just quiet, reading and enjoying.... *ahem* never mind. ¬_¬

Ayase hasn't made an appearence yet today. But then again whenever I say that, by the time I've posted theres an Ayase post waiting for me :p

EDIT/ Not today tho :?