Count to a Million

16313 That's true enough i mean you can get a Tsukihime boxset now (i think) for the price i paid for the first volume alone (but it did come with a really nice art box)

It is good to hear. Def people have it rough.... er yeh :p

Only 45mins left then I'm free. Gonna give Radio a miss tonight coz I'm not feeling too good. They'll just put a recorded show on instead... gotta love technology.
Luckily for me available AI still doesn't know how to be spontaneouse :p
That's my Middle name... that and Rock.
My Friends in DJ world call me Spontaneouse Rock! ;)
:lol: I love VGcats... WOOP!! It's home time for me! *screams into a sofa pillow kicking his feet around*

... tis time for me to take my leave so I shall see you all laters. :)

Ciao for now.