Count to a Million

16,041 - higurashi is awesome. I love shows where everything is confusing (as long as it makes sense in the end).

I'm waiting for Lost to be over and check fans reaction before getting into it. X files made me a bit too cynical, I think.
16042 it is indeed awesome, i'm still to start the 2nd season like...It threw me at first the way it's set out but once the answer arcs kick in, the whole thing comes together.

I've got a lost crazy friend who swears its the best thing since sliced bread, i've been waiting for the DVDs to come down in price before i dive in to see what the fuss is about. I did like X Files though but towards the end it did get too complicated for itself...Didn't stop me getting all 9 seasons on DVD though
16,043 - the beginning of X files is something else, but after Mulder leaves the show, it goes downhill to the point I couldn't force myself to like it anymore.
16046 Well anime wise i'm still watching Gaiking and Gravion, with hopes to sit down and watch New Dominion Tank Police and the animated Appleseed (i have Ex Machina on order as well ^_^), game wise i'm still chugging along with Metroid Prime 2 with hopes to pick up SFIV in a few weeks time.

I'm also still waiting for Sky One to resume Fringe, i was quite enjoying that till they broke for xmas, i supose i'll check out the next vol of Heroes as well but i'm not expecting anything from it
16,047 - which appleseed the new one? Haven't seen the old one yet, it's in my backlog waiting anxiously to be watched, but the new one is really good.

Like I mentioned, I don't bother with ongoing shows anymore. I'm happy to wait for heroes to end before I watch it. I'm happy with anime and old shows for now.

Gamewise, I've got Mirrors edge ages ago, but still haven't finished it. I haven't played anything at all to be honest.
16,049 - I think you will enjoy ex machina as well. the cgi is a lot better in it and it does have some style input from John Woo, even though he was just a producer.
16,051 - LOL =) I've seen the page before, I was just saving it to check later, as I'm at work and opening a page of comics here might seem a bit odd
16052 since money came in i'm looking at what Region 1 DVDs i want i've narrowed it down to Gravion Zwei (which i'm flipflopping on since Gravion S1 hasn't been thrilling) Higurashi, Fate/Stay Night (i'll own this on DVD its just a matter of when) and the old Domion Tank Police dvds.
16,053 - Fate / Stay is in my short list as well. I'm trying to get those geneon releases, before they disappear / gets too expensive to buy.
16059 I'll hold off buying the DVD set for now, let me know what its like when you get hold of it :) for me i'll settle for the first volume of the Manga, i wonder if it will be as different as the Tsukihime manga was to the anime version.