Count to a Million

14923 Afternoon Voddas :p I finished Higurashi last night :D That was a good series, and i'm thankful that there's a second series to it, to leave the entire thing on an ending like that would of annoyed me.
BlackWolf said:
14923 Afternoon Voddas :p I finished Higurashi last night :D That was a good series, and i'm thankful that there's a second series to it, to leave the entire thing on an ending like that would of annoyed me.
14924 - It's already annoying you, as you have to wait until the next release until you get a closure on the open ending... (Though I dont know how it ends.. not seen it yet, dammit!)
14926 very true Chaz :p i did like how Keiichi remembered what he did in the first chapter, though i'm surprised he then didn't remember what Shion did to him or how Satoko pushed him off the bridge :lol:

But yeah i plan on watching the second season once xmas is out of the way, with family down things get messed around
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14930 - I'm trying to keep awake atm... not been getting good sleep over the past 2 days. Not my own choice but my body wont let me hit the pillow until about 4am, when I intend to sleep at 12:30-1am...

Am I the only one with that? It's not excitement for X-mas, but I have no idea why I'm messed up atm. lol

I'm fine cheers Chaz!

Looks like everyones in high spirits :)

@Black: According to your MYANIMELIST your already watching the second series??? Or did I see it wrong?
14932 Not a problem Mono :thumb: :)

@Chaz yeah though mine isn't as bad as 4 a.m :p mine's normally 3 in the morning though if history repeats itself i'll be up at 7 on xmas day no matter what time i go to bed...Though since my sisters are both home, maybe that's a good thing, means i can get into the bathroom before either of them
14,934 - *Stands back in shock* This guy... He can see into the future!! Or he has advanced screenings... Lucky dawg.

@Wolfy - Haha! But I bet you'll hog it for hours just for fun... You know, take a manga in there, read it.... then pick up another. :p
14936 it should just say Planning to watch :p...unless you got confused since i'm still watching Gaiking

@Chaz maybe i'll do that to give them a taste of their own medicine :twisted:


This day has really dragged too. Nothing worse than being busy and time goingf slow at the same time.... ¬_¬ I'm totally having a late one tonight in celebration. XD