Count to a Million


*walks with a bounce in his step into the office whistling dire straits - walk of life as it blares in his ear via iPod*

Morning everyone, hows everyone today? excuse my lateness, i got into work and have worked uptill the end of the month. then found myself humming walk of downloaded it lol
strangely im in the mood for Moomins today. replaying eps in my head...oh how i love it when this happens...i watched johnny english in my head during my maths gcse exam. was loving it.

Morning Ayase and Yes I did :)

Morning Tach... you appear to be in a god mood. :)

@Black: That's the plan. Wanted one for aaages. :p

@Otaku: Not sure what to get. Planning on getting a half decent one like. Price range around the £700/£800 mark.

Okay Voddas look up on it
one reason why i say that is, that if something goes wrong with the drawing part on top of the tablet PC, you have to take the whole unit in for repair, while as with a plug-n-play tablet you just need to take the device back ;)
Otaku-san said:

Okay Voddas look up on it
one reason why i say that is, that if something goes wrong with the drawing part on top of the tablet PC, you have to take the whole unit in for repair, while as with a plug-n-play tablet you just need to take the device back ;)


I have something like that (but a lot cheaper, in the £30 price range), rarely even used it though, it takes a lot of getting used to strangely enough. Actually i'm a bit behind this whole digital revolution of drawing :p i still colour by hand

Otaku you rat :lol:

Actually, just checked the post count and this is the correct number. We've been missing a few people.

EDIT/ Off to lunch :)

Yeah, i'm jolly today thanks Voddas, glad to hear you enjoyed your b'day mate ^_^

i went home lastnight, helped my mum tidy up. then sam came round and we played world at war co-op campaign mode. then leo turned up, i chucked a shirt on and we went out for a meal and few drinks at our local...where i learnt...i don't get ID'd now anyway *facepalms* lol on the way back to mine we stopped off at the co-op and bought afew cans and continued home. played LBP for a while and joked and laughed at various things. before sticking pro evo 08 on and had a great match, 3 all. me vs them two.

foned laura at going on 11 and talked to her for abit, she's doing alot better but like me still has a cough. woke up at 2am (body has managed to understand to wake me up when i've left something ps3 has been the main reason this week lol) and text laura to see if she was home, finished the rest of my can and went back to sleep. woke this morning, got a wash, dressed and ready for work, had a coffee and then i randomly remembered the music to "walk of life" but couldn't remember what the song was called...then whilst i whistled the tune the walk of life popped into my head....went online and typed in "listen to walk of life" and clicked a link...and i was right on the money with the name. was loving it, but the organs reminded me of moomins and hence i'm remembering the episodes i used to watch....and sort of daydreaming/watching the episodes but still working....which is a complete contrast as daydreaming means your not thinking and can't concentrate whilst doing it lol awwell. might not seem like much to you guys but i just feel really happy.

Doesn't sound odd at all Tach, sometimes the simple things are the best. Sounds like a fairly ordinary night, nothing major happened for good or ill but you had a good time and that's what matters. :)