Count to a Million

7624 @Fox the overfiend is over 18 so he's safe plus he's a demon...i mean who would say no to a creature that may mistake your gender *remembers when that happened to some guys before* but then again they were chavs so propbably deserved it

In that corner you have the punks, sitting down over there are the Goths,, over the back to the right you have the skin heads and ..oh, look, there's the overfiends having coffee
7635 hope you feel better soon Tachi i'll be online tonight if you want to talk :)

@Fox how about head of sercuity you can act as the Overfiends bouncer as he signs stuff

I was born for the job XD

I can see it now! Big Blown up Overfiend in time square!!

::tears of joy role down his cheek::

Edit... since when did The Overfield (td) need a bouncer? A makeup artist maye... he needs it sometimes :p

No offence Fox ;) But then again everyone needs backup.

Only when he's eating Maltos ;)

Thinking about it (and seeing that impressive random body bump) I think Fox would be perfect for the job.

::flex's in the mirror::

Yeah, better him than me :lol:

Maltos, you could be his makeup artist and stylist. His fashion is a little.............dated you could say

Thats good news Tachi, We like nothing more than smiles from comrades 8)