Count to a Million


Yeah funnily enough it turned out to be english, there was'nt even a japanese option on the title screen, very strange.

Yeah My girlfriend watched it too, she loved it. Some of the character development was really good, I cant think of his name but the short nearly bald guy who always wants to "kick some ass", he was my favourite character in it, he was actually, by the end of the film, extremly sweet lol. Like when he watched his friends die and is crying. Its brilliant!

@Tach, I drink alot of coffee in the morning so my energy is amazing until the afternoon, then im a slug.

I think the line between RL friends and online is blurred now, I have quite a few online buddies in which I actually regard them as RL friends now, why the hell not. A friend of mine travels over to canada to meet up with some pals he met online, actually quite aamzing really.

Lol im interested in your idea Tachi, how can it be done? :p
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Morning TachI!!!! :p

I'm glad you got to enjoy the film with your misses then Fox. Suprised there wasn't a "Korean" option like. Strange.... :S I also really enjoyed the film. Been a while since 've seen it actually so my memory about the characters blurs in places, I do however know who your talking about tho.

I drink a can of sugerfree redbull religiously on a work morning. Just takes the edge off being awake. Then I drink coffee for the rest of the day. I needs it =P

Yeah its a shame your girl does'nt like anime :( Im quite lucky there. Maybe watch it again Voddas, to refresh :) I think I enjoyed Sky Blue more so than I did GitS, ok different films but for some reason I got that GitS atmosphere.

Oh the music was great too :p

Ohh I need a redbull right now. Wish I could go home. sooo much to do, and watch.

Home? That's how I feel at work everyday Fox.... yaaaaaawwwn...

I enjoyed GITS for different reasons to Sky Blue like but it is that good like. Will probably watch it again at some point (it's in my collection). Problem I have is becasue my misses sin't a fan, my anime viewing time becomes greatly reduced. Basicly, I only watch anime when she's not in the house or when she goes to bed. Midnite till 2 is voddas anime time usually. Can get tiring like.
Ah that must be abit of a nightmare at times. My girlfriends pretty easy, as long as she gets to watch Eastenders and Big Brother, she dont mind if I whack on some anime or my xbox, gotta love her lol

Have you, or anyone else seen Vampire Princess Miyu?

Can't say I have. Just had a quick read up on it and I'm sure I haven't. Think I'd remember an anime with a random pokemon looking pink thing it it. Guess it's a seriose anime? You seen it then?

Edit... after reading that again... it is very VERY similar to the Blood+ summary. You could quite easily change the names in the myanimelist summary and put Blood+ above it. I've seen Blood+ as you know also.

Is it your Bday today?

Wouldn't mind a can of redbull :)

Well i didn't know how to explain it. its like i have my friends that i've grown up with, and meet up, go out and do all the random stuff. and regard them as best friends....but online i have a few people on this forum i redard best mates too. so i struggled to explain it.

OUr breakthrough was that:
On a playstation you can have user accounts. that have PSN a account specifically for that user account....that can be set up to use your bank account to buy games.
our theory was "what if i set up another account on my ps3, with bens psn account details? would i be able to go into the ps store and download all the games that he's already bought?"
at first it worked and played the games without a i deleted bens account on my ps3....which in turn deleted the authorisation to play the games (it said it didn't has the copywrite info so couldn't play the game)

So we understood that i'd need to keep a user account with bens psn details so the system has the copywrite authorisation to play the games ^_^

Therefore we can pay for the game once and distribute the rights between each other :) legally boycotting the system, because as of yet we havent seen anything in the contract saying we can't do this :p

Haha nope not my bday. Its in Feb. I just felt like putting my age lol

Hmm well im gonna buy it then, its £2.99 for Vol. 1+2 and then 0.99p for Vol. 3 +

ha. As Im a member of the UK anime club, every dvd I buy, I get 2 tokens (if I collect 24 tokens I get a free dvd) SO, if I ordered all 6 volumes, in theory I should get 12 tokens? But do you think I will only get 2 tokens as its 1 delivery?

@Tachi wow, im actually confused. But it sounds like you know what your doin :p
Foxstripe said:
ha. As Im a member of the UK anime club, every dvd I buy, I get 2 tokens (if I collect 24 tokens I get a free dvd) SO, if I ordered all 6 volumes, in theory I should get 12 tokens? But do you think I will only get 2 tokens as its 1 delivery?

You'll have to have a look at the websites T&C and delivery info to find that out.

And yeah its sort of comlex to try to explain, but if you own a ps3 you should be able to grasp what im talking about :p

Go for it Fox :lol: If you only get two, at least you'll still ahve a new series to watch.

Tachi, the only problem with what your doing is that you both won't be able to play the same game at the same time as the system will realise two seperate consoles are using the account and therefore ban you both. Happened to some one I know like that was using a joint user account.

*zzzzuuuurgh* wrong Voddas :p
we each download the game from the PSstore and install it onto our ps3 systems so there's no way there'd be a conflict.
AND i play the games while on my account, the way that it plays is because it has bens account on my system too so it still authorises the game to play BUT plays on my account so the system doesn't see two people on one account, it sees two people playing the same game on their own account :p

in short, its genius

Our second theory *which we are trying tonight* is:
if we select a load of games to download from bens account. then pause the downloads, we already know if i sign out and logged into my account that it still downloads. what we want to know is, by doing this, does it put the authorisation onto my account? :p

Yeah your right, just noticed this though

Vol. 1 - £2.99
Vol. 2 - £2.99
Vol. 3 - £0.99
Vol. 5 - £14.99
Vol. 6 - £2.99

So they hav'nt actually got Volume 4 even for sale and Volume 5 is £14.99, hmmm I dont think i'll buy them now lol

@Tachi - yup, still confused
I get it now Tach.
Well watch out anyway mate. Don't accidently lose your PS3 privalages man :S

@Fox WTF? I hate it when they do that. It defies the point. You should send them an email and ask some questions. I would.

Yeah I know its totally BONE!!

The reason they have made one of them £14.99 is to get all there money back from what they have lost so you distribute it and your paying about £5 per DVD. and god knows why tehy dont have Vol.4.

Nah there's no point in emailing them, they never get back to me. Im still waiting on a response regarding the death Note Volume 3 Buy It Now query lol

Well we'll just have to do without :S No sweat off our backs like. Plenty of other deals out there ;)

I should really shop around more for anime. I mainly use now but I used to get it all from Silverscreen. It was a DVD store taht sold EVERYTHING! It was awesome. Sadly however it got bought up and our local Silversreen closed down. Now there's no where (at all!) localy to buy anime. Lucky I can get manga however ^__^

wow yeah I remember Silverscreen!! They had one in Lakeside when I used to go there. Yeah it was a really good shop!!

For my anime I use Play and UK Anime Online, sometimes they do have good deals and if you order in the morning it will be delivered the next day and its free p+p whereas Play takes about 3 days!!!

I assume Black will be lurking around somewhere in his trench coat.