Count to a Million


NICE FOX! :thumb:

Have you seen Neon Genesis yet? Only that being the most classic and (greatest) of mest up animes? There are others similar but you have to tell me you've seen this anime and survived?

EDIT: Sorry got a bit busy at work there ¬_¬

Funny you shoul;d say that, ive been meaning to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion but neevr bought a vol. or boxset. Anyone have a link to the boxset?

HERE is a link to the special edition boxset on Not cheap like. It's still such a popular anime taht you'll be lucky to find it cheap anywhere. It is a definate watch for you tho Fox. It's awesome, and very very dark.

Also, You need to watch the movies straight after it. The last 2/3 episodes of the original series are really messed up so you they made a different (better) ending in the form of the two following movies.

It would be cheaper like. Just showing you the Box =P Still works out at £55.93 like. Worth it if you can afford it of course. Bur remember, you need the movies to go with them.

I agree, its always nice to have the boxset :p

I will def get them one day. I have sooooooooooo many on my list its hard to keep up :( im sure you have the same worry lol

It's a common problem with the anime fan community. It's one of those "if only I was rich" scenerios. I have a very big list of anime I'd like to purchase. Including Neon Genesis. I borrowed from my cousin for nearly two years lol. He's noticednow and has them back T_T.

Off to lunch

been trying to listen to will smith party starter but the internets not playing ball :/

*when something doesn't play ball, bring out the bat*

found it 8)

haha Will Smith, I love wild west lol

Yeah If I were rich it would be great lol. Oh I tried Pocky for the 1st time the other day, its actually really nice. I love it because in this store they sell loads of chinese and japanese foods and you get all the 14yr olds buying Ramen and getting really excited about it haha, cute but funny as hell :p

Cya inabit Tach :p

I'v never had Pocky X( Always wanted to try it tho. Same with Ramen actually. It's easy enought o get ahold of. Guess I'mm just being lazy. I do eat all eastern dishes with chop sticks like. My dad trained me from very young (how I hear you ask). He stuck food infron t of me and his mates and said "if you don't learn, you go hungry" then he dug in 0_0. Neadless to say I'm very good now =P

Yo Black :p