Count to a Million


Lol unlucky mate.
drinkin vodka is easier the morning after :thumb:
but don't drink orange juice the morning after drinking revitalizes the vodka and you end up drunk again.

Talking to clare who went out lastnight, got in at 3am and spent most of the night drinking who feels really rough lol.
and to kayliegh who's talking about flip flops :S
oh great i have a application to see to back as soon as this is finished... :(
Was out drinking on a reunion doo last night so have been abit worse for wear this morning. Feeling better know, especially now it's time for lunch.
I'm Starvin.
Back in 30 :p
5612 have a good one voddas :)

Nothing much just talking to spyro, had some fun

Won't be on here much longer as well i'm afraid, my g/f is coming over at 1ish
BlackWolf said:
5612 have a good one voddas :)

Nothing much just talking to spyro, had some fun

Won't be on here much longer as well i'm afraid, my g/f is coming over at 1ish


Ah, okay mate, :thumb: have fun *nudge nudge wink wink* haha seriously though, have a good afternoon :)

Will try to get online tonight....gunna have withdrawel symptoms on holiday....shaking as i can't go online to see whats changed on here lol

Awwell, will be drawing my manga! wooo going to get a whole volume made then scan it and see what people think

Thanks :) Don't worry i'll do my best to keep this place in the condition you left it in :p

Sounds good on the manga remember to post it up here :thumb:
And.. I return. Have a good afternoon Black **nudge nudge** Wait, that was already done wasn't it, ah well.
I can only get on the net at work at the moment as I switched suppliers tother day and I've been cut off in error. What a pain :S

Good good, remember to let Voddas out when he's scratching at the door.
Give that assignment to Manga girls (M.G if your reading this i'll pm mine to you shortly. weekend was hectic :/ apologies)
Make sure Kurogane doesn't kill anyone.
Watch out for Otaku-san...make sure he's not doing anything out of the extra-ordinary for him.....
Make sure C.G is back in his box by nightfall....or else.
Watch out for our buddy spyro and give advice accordingly...Make sure you ready the Tachikoma army to fight Chaos and his Googlebot brethrin back to the spammy mountains.
Say "Hey" to the newbs and keep em happy and feeling welcomed.
Tell Sy and Rui their good to talk to and will be missed for their debates.
ask dracos not to kill his colleagues.
Joke with Gacha every now and then.
any others just talk to and be friendly.
OH! and remember to give Mononoke a hug everyday.
chaz and ryo-chan are cool guys so talk to em when their online.
Maxon's still on medication to stop him from plotting world domination so make sure he takes the tablets...
try to help people with their I.T problems..
And remember its not easy to keep things the way they are, so don't try too hard :p

and lastly.....can you make sure my gremlin doesn't eat my memo's....and even though im not there....he still has to do a daily dance to stay in shape.

The land of sand ^_^ egypt
I shall be returning....but 2 weeks is going to drag....especially if i spend half of it tanked up on alcohol as usual lmao
I've been to Egypt before and yes, it is quite sandy like. X3

I'm not a big fan of the sand but if you like snapping a few pictures it's a treasure chest of views.

Yeah, taking pictures is a everyday thing for me :lol:

Waited 10 minutes.......

VODDAS!!!! where'd he go?? *scratches head in confusion*