Count to a Million


Back, apparently that was to change our internet speed from 2mb to 10mb. tbh its actually slower than it was!! p!ss take.

Anywho in answer to you Voddas, nope i don't to be honest i don't really bother keeping a log of what i've seen :lol: awwell
5564 I really like MyAnimeList. Helps me know where I'm upto when I haven't seen a series for a while. I also get all my reccomendations from the site. Good for revies and and if like a certain series it can search for other series of a similar style you mite like. Me likey ^_____^
5569 ahh, okay mate, you should really start online banking...much easier than going into branch to deal with things and you avoid the ques ^_^
5573 Well that was a complete waste of time -_- "sorry we can't do that thing in branch" strange i can remember only a few months being allowed to do it in branch :x ah well this game will make me happier again :p
I don't get that "Can't do in branch" talk. Surely if you want to do anything it should be in your own branch. Seems a bit stuuupid to me like. Which bank you with and what's your account number and sort code?

::shifty eyes::


You think your lost? i went to a big mac and noticed 2 people from school there....LMAO sad epic failures...*coughs* i mean..."well done for passing the fast food exam you had to do to get the job...your now a trained flunky"

I hate McDonalds. Did a food hygiene course when I was amanger a few years back and there alot of disturbing things I heard. No more Macs for me, put it that way.
Voddas said:
I hate McDonalds. Did a food hygiene course when I was amanger a few years back and there alot of disturbing things I heard. No more Macs for me, put it that way.


I would say "i bought it because it was quick and easy"
But i'd be lying. 10 minutes waiting in the que, 5 minutes waiting for my "meal" (use that term loosly) and it was cold in the 5 minute walk back to the office....p!ss take... doesn't taste too good :x
but then again so long ats not burger kings "cumburgers" then im not too bothered...*throws up*