Count to a Million

5501 - were you waiting for someone to post, just so you could have the pretty number? I told you before ... the one million is mine!! ;D

Well, im not sure what to eat for lunch, and in other matters im not sure if i should move out and try to spread my wings. family are doing my head in. there's a couple of people i can crash at their house for free :lol:

Well you know about the pointless arguement that erupted because i asked for help, its just getting to the point where i can't be bothered anymore.
Ambers come back to luton so might be meetin up tonight, sh'es getting a flat soon and were really close and have been thinkin of getting together. so i guess thats a good start

Well, the plan has always been....finish my I.T courses. then get a job in london, a family friend has offered me a job in canary whorf in the stock exchange but to be honest stock exchange isn't my sort of thing, plus with the credit crunch and everything the stock exchange would only look menacing.

Or remain a computer technician and build up this local technician department i've had my eye on for some time now :)

I've thought about becoming a private investigator or joining the police and becoming a detective. it'd mean my I.T knowledge could of been a epic waste of time, but i actually enjoy that line of work, investigating murders, drug deals, counterfit money busts, :)
Either way im going to get a job, a flat, a decent girlfriend who isn't a psycho :lol: and when im your age im packing it all up in a bag and heading out travelling with some mates.
Could take the band along and hope to get signed in the U.S or write books of my journeys and sell them. (ofcorse thats only if i have amazing adventures...or my book would suck lmao)

5518 some nice plans there, you could aways work for the police in the line of cybercrime (internet fraud etc..)

As for me well things are still sketchy at the moment but the original plan was to finish uni, get onto the fellowship scheme, work solid for 6 months on a game demo, then setup our own company which would do contract work for so long until we had the repuation and the ideas to try and get someone to back our own game ideas.

Of course if that ever faultered i could try and get one of my large stories published :lol: (currently got 2 of them and working on a third)
BlackWolf said:
5518 some nice plans there, you could aways work for the police in the line of cybercrime (internet fraud etc..)

As for me well things are still sketchy at the moment but the original plan was to finish uni, get onto the fellowship scheme, work solid for 6 months on a game demo, then setup our own company which would do contract work for so long until we had the repuation and the ideas to try and get someone to back our own game ideas.

Of course if that ever faultered i could try and get one of my large stories published :lol: (currently got 2 of them and working on a third)


Sounds good :thumb: didn't know you wrote stories?
Can you send me one sometime?