Count to a Million

5465 Oh in case any one was wondering the interview was a complete success :D So for the next two months me and my friend will be taken under the companies wings and will be working on a little project. Downside is we won't be paid for this experince but it's experince 8) and its my first step on the ladder :)
BlackWolf said:
5465 Oh in case any one was wondering the interview was a complete success :D So for the next two months me and my friend will be taken under the companies wings and will be working on a little project. Downside is we won't be paid for this experince but it's experince 8) and its my first step on the ladder :)

Congrats mate. Should be good. May your ladder be a long and prosperouse one :p

Congrats mate :thumb: left all i could say on your profile lol
Im really happy for you so you must be extatic!!!!

Now you know that the guy who said "patience is a virtue" hit the nail on the head :thumb: :D
5470 - haha a while ago I was wondering if we would ever reach one million, now she wants to reach two , that's what I call motivation xD