Count to a Million

5424 Writting and some concept art here and there, have to do some simple Virus-like enemies, got an interview for the free works experince on thursday ^_^

Nice :thumb: good luck! make sure you've fully prepped and have drunk alot of coffee/tea :D

Well, im in work, about to go on lunch, have nothing planned tonight, might ask my mate if he wants to go down the pub for abit, then i'll go home and watch the fourth chapter of series 1.

Hope for your sake you do but at the same time you don't. Working has so many mixed feelings surrounding it.
Not really a win win situation is it.

True, true... sorry about my last post. Sounded like a gumpy old man lol. Besides if you find a job eventually that you enjoy then your set for life. Good luck to you man.
5435 That's okay :) Thanks, it would be a lot easier if companies weren't so insistant on having experince as a key requirement ¬_¬ but soon i'll have that :twisted:
5436 I took the work root so all I have is experiance, no Uni under this belt. It's not always a good thing as companies liek to mould new recruits (experiance can get in the way.)
5437 I have a friend who has done something similar, and he seems to be doing well so far. But i'll see what thursday brings and then report back here ^_^