Channel 4 might show more anime

Really pissed off at ch4 i sent them a long message but they replied back a shorter message than what other people got
i think were annoying them now so if we don't get anime on ch4 atleast we can torture them a little

Dear Avinash,

Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries.

Please be assured that your suggestions, regarding the screening of more
Anime, have been logged for the attention of schedulers.

Kind regards,

Noah Sinclair
Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries

For information about Channel 4 have a look at our FAQ section at

Original Message Follows: ------------------------
I think that there should be more anime programmes in the uk.I know the
anime channels didn't last long but i think that now it would be easier to
show it becuase: The modern audience now is completely different from ten
years ago and they would more open to anime and a popular tv and film critic
'Johnathon Ross' watches anime and he interviewed miyazaki on the japnorama
series so he would spread it One of the problems is back in the day, due to
some anime content is that people wouldn't stay up till 2 or 3 in the
morning to wacth it but now with sky+ and V+ and the ever changing teenage
audience are more likely to stay up and watch and record it. Channel 4 is a
terrestial channel and would therefore gain the most views for anime and are
really only the sole supplier of teenage television because the main age
range for anime fans are 15-30 but they can change becuase there are shows
and films like pokemon and grave of the fireflies Since film4 has shown
ghibli and the death note films (Haven't shown third live-action film) it
would be easier for new audiences to get into the anime because it's
different to it and then they would be interested in the anime because i got
into anime by death note live action films and i think other people would be
too (Thank You Film4) Major actors like Samuel Jackson and Lucy Lui appeared
in the anime (Afro Samurai) which was shown once on Bravo and directors like
James Cameron plans to make a remake of Battle Angel (popular anime) so you
can't say it hasn't got celebrity status appeal Licensing would still be
expensive but if they were smart to invest in a series like Death Note,
Bleach or Full metal alchemist then they would get the most money out of it
There is more english dubbed high quality anime and a growing anime audience
since from when ch4 last showed anime A series like 'Dexter' (Non Anime) did
well because it operated in a grey area, and because Dexter nearly got
banned it has got mass appeal and gets loads of ratings. They could
potentailly get the same results if anime(Death Note) was shown. People are
more open to death and even if the media does get slated it will just
produce more publicity for it Becuase no anime is shown in the uk you don't
see any companies advertise anything at all related to anime so if channel 4
shows anime, companies will get interested and start to advertise therefore
makin ch4 money Channel 4 has a type of policy to show niche material such
as the current indian films being shown and the japanese film season, Every
niche is more or less acounted for on all of the channels sometime a week
but anime is not so ch4 could start the massive anime craze on uk tv which
it once had before It is start of the new year and the new decade, big
brothers goin down unfortunately and because of that you need something big
to appeal or shock fans e4 is more or less a teenage audience and they could
advertise on that channel to spread word around I know it's only small but
when a ghibli film is shown nobody except me blogs about it and in my topic
other films like spirited away and metropolis was mentioned which i hadn't
had heard since the post and theres no ads for it (Thats why it doesnt get
high ratings). Anime in uk on the internet is more connected and if it is
shown then all the blogs will know therefore inforimg all the other people
Anime is a massive industry in Japan and America it is shown late at night
but still has wide appeal and they profit from all the comics, merachandise
and dvd's sold It is shown all over the world (france india africa
austrailia) and they are subbed and dubbed into all different languages
Sorry for the long message but I can't see any reason why anime is not shown
in the uk if you think of a reason why it shouldn't please reply becuase I
can't think of a reson why it can't I don't think any other anime except
death note or afro samurai can be shown in the uk becuase even non-anime
fans know about them becuase they have broken the 'anime-viewers only'
barrier. Please don't give me a same old pre-recorded message can you
atleast send this to someone who knows about tv programmes and could give me
a proper answer Thank You
PartiallyMetalAlchemist said:
Really pissed off at ch4 i sent them a long message but they replied back a shorter message than what other people got

What did you expect? Especially as you sent them a very long, very poorly formatted and very poorly worded message full of spelling mistakes.

It would also have helped if you had researched the history of anime on UK TV a little (lot) more.
I couldn't actually read it myself. Broadcasters don't care whether a show is cartoon, scripted or reality as long as it brings advertising money.
That kinda is annoying but it seems like they are starting to notice that they are getting messages about anime. Thats a good sign of them writing short answers. So lets keep on trying until we get somewhere. I will try signing up to other forums and maybe, just maybe I'll post a video or something on youtube... ( I have a way of getting many views, just hope the percentage are UK based residents )
stuart-says-yes said:
Project-2501 said:
PartiallyMetalAlchemist said:
Really pissed off at ch4 i sent them a long message but they replied back a shorter message than what other people got

What did you expect? Especially as you sent them a very long, very poorly formatted and very poorly worded message full of spelling mistakes.

It would also have helped if you had researched the history of anime on UK TV a little (lot) more.
ayase said:
ilmaestro said:
It's nice to see someone appear and actually start posting about anime and manga, but your posts would be a lot easier to read (ie. I would actually read them) if you used, at least, full stops and capital letters.
Anything without punctuation I read in the style of Microsoft Sam (it keeps me entertained)

and I though I was bad
Stuart, admitting your problem is the first step on the road to recovery. The next step is to do something about it; You'll find use of the shift and full-stop keys can work wonders. If you at least attempt it, I'll get off your back. If you attempt and fail however, you'll still have to deal with maestro. ;)
The term "tl;dr" springs to mind.

There is power in keeping what you say brief. By sending them such a long message you are inviting them to give you a copy/paste or short generic response.

It could have also helped by being correctly punctuated and paragraphed.
stuart-says-yes said:
Project-2501 said:
PartiallyMetalAlchemist said:
Really pissed off at ch4 i sent them a long message but they replied back a shorter message than what other people got

What did you expect? Especially as you sent them a very long, very poorly formatted and very poorly worded message full of spelling mistakes.

It would also have helped if you had researched the history of anime on UK TV a little (lot) more.
ayase said:
ilmaestro said:
It's nice to see someone appear and actually start posting about anime and manga, but your posts would be a lot easier to read (ie. I would actually read them) if you used, at least, full stops and capital letters.
Anything without punctuation I read in the style of Microsoft Sam (it keeps me entertained)

and I though I was bad
You have, for this post at least, been able to find a "one time use" power up for your shift key, I see. Open other treasure chests in the area for further power ups, but beware of monsters!
No. Like Aion lol, i figure he's off somewhere making another arena for ants to kill each other. Yes, his hobbies are to witness death and destruction to anything inferior than himself.

Spelling costs nothing, but the rewards are high... For starters you don't get people on your back ;).
In all fairness though, where would Channel 4 slot in Death Note into their viewing schedules?

In Japan it aired at like 1am or some ridiculous hour, so why would any channel want to air something like that in the UK where we currently have next to no mass market appeal for more mature anime?

It needs to be a gradual progression from Naruto and Pokémon into Death Note and over time. Imagine Death Note being put on at say 1930 and parents see it and think that it's an OK show for their little Johnny age 9 to watch and suddenly Death Gods appear and Light's killing everyone off with his new sense of righteousness? Complaints abound.

Shows like Azumanga and Lucky Star need to slowly slip in first to bridge the gap between one and the other. Heck, Channel 4 don't even have a kids channel or a children's viewing slot at the moment so aiming anything at them is going to be hard work, at least for series.

What really needs to be done is pushing films. Channel 4 (and BBC) do show Ghibli as we all know, we need to push similar quality films at them first and then they're going to be more receptive towards normal anime. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars (out later this year), Akira, Ocean Waves (well, it's new to the UK...), Mai Mai Miracle, GitS, and Evangelion are prime examples of what need to be shown. Yes they're not new to us, but they're all great films that could easily cross the border to being watched by non-anime fans and people will be more inclined to watch the next animated feature that Film4 pushes. More ratings, more films and more interest.
Hang on ther Archy.

Although i see where your coming from, i wouldn't say that Gits is less mature than Death Note. Each have swearing, Gits have moreso in cases. Violence...their are deaths in each, the difference between then though is ones got guns and the other has a notebook. The first series of Gits was great, i wouldn't call it something i'd show my 3year old cousin though.

You need to look at channel 4 and film 4 in different lights. Apart from the obvious; channel 4 shows prodominantly episodical series, and film 4 has films of all genres. They differ in the sense that film 4 already shows anime, So rather than suggesting anime series (which have little to no chance of being shown on channel 4) Then a more practical way would be to focus on suggesting anime films for film 4.
Maybe I didn't make myself fully clear - I'm talking about films only for Film4 to be occasionally pushed to Channel 4. GitS the film is perfect for Film4 as the viewing slots tend to be on after 10pm, which opens a lot more anime film up for us to watch. Film4 only air the same anime films as they're tried and tested, Oscar's mean viewers. They need to expand elsewhere to see if there's any interest. An hour and a half film is much less of an investment for F4 and for the viewer than a 30+ episode series of roughly 30 mins.

In terms of Channel 4, as I said, I don't think there is currently room for a show like Death Note. It's too big of a jump for the standard Channel 4 viewers, it'd be like your standard Daily Mail reader jumping ship to something like The Guardian. It's familiar, but entirely different and the opinions would be scary.

There needs to be a gradual integration of good anime into the Channel 4 (or any channel really) programming, something out of the blue like Death Note would dive bomb due to there being no precedent. After all, it's just a Japanese cartoon - and they're all for kids :p, lol.

Personally I feel that BBC Three would be the best option, with back to back episodes of Family Guy and American Dad being aired, Death Note, Witchblade and Lain would slip in very nicely.
Archaic Sage said:
Imagine Death Note being put on at say 1930 and parents see it and think that it's an OK show for their little Johnny age 9 to watch and suddenly Death Gods appear and Light's killing everyone off with his new sense of righteousness? Complaints abound.
I am imagining it... and grinning as I do so. Now that would get anime noticed again. The best thing to do about complaints would be to ignore them and allow the 'negative' publicity to translate into viewing figures, a bit like Sakura TV in the show. ;)
ayase said:
Archaic Sage said:
Imagine Death Note being put on at say 1930 and parents see it and think that it's an OK show for their little Johnny age 9 to watch and suddenly Death Gods appear and Light's killing everyone off with his new sense of righteousness? Complaints abound.
I am imagining it... and grinning as I do so. Now that would get anime noticed again. The best thing to do about complaints would be to ignore them and allow the 'negative' publicity to translate into viewing figures, a bit like Sakura TV in the show. ;)
I was thinking the exact same thing. Any publicity is good publicity. Look how Southpark did/is doing. That show must have complaints to spare. =D
South Park aired at what, 2130ish? Very different, also by that point there was established offensive American cartoons on the market. This would potentially be the first glance at more "adult" anime in the UK, to longevity for an entire form of medium it needs to be carefully introduced. Otherwise it'll end up like Adam and Jo Go to Tokyo - good but forgotten.
Understood. Wasn't compairing them as a precise science, but rather that if there were complaints about Death Note, the publicity would result in people watching to see what the fuss was about and being pleasently supprised and all turning into hardcore otaku and then taking over England (followed by Scotland and Wales).... (Ireland comes later)... sorry, think I trailed off point there.... oh yeah! ...I can't see it happening. No time soon anyway. It's a bonus that Film4 shows anime but that's mainly repeated Ghibli anyway, and that's only since Spirited Away caught joe publics eye. Like someone has said, it's all tried and tested anime that's repeated.
It's sad but we may be banned to oversea purchases and kneeling in small manga sections forever!! O___O
stuart-says-yes said:
ilmaestro said:
stuart-says-yes said:
Project-2501 said:
PartiallyMetalAlchemist said:
Really pissed off at ch4 i sent them a long message but they replied back a shorter message than what other people got

What did you expect? Especially as you sent them a very long, very poorly formatted and very poorly worded message full of spelling mistakes.

It would also have helped if you had researched the history of anime on UK TV a little (lot) more.
ayase said:
ilmaestro said:
It's nice to see someone appear and actually start posting about anime and manga, but your posts would be a lot easier to read (ie. I would actually read them) if you used, at least, full stops and capital letters.
Anything without punctuation I read in the style of Microsoft Sam (it keeps me entertained)

and I though I was bad
You have, for this post at least, been able to find a "one time use" power up for your shift key, I see. Open other treasure chests in the area for further power ups, but beware of monsters!

Monsters?, like you and ayase.
Tachi got their first - the random battles against Aion will be the worst part of the grind. I'm OK, I don't attack unless provoked. ^_^
Jayme said:
Don't most browsers have spell check now? Mozilla and Chrome do, and I assume Opera does... Why don't people use them? I do.

Because some people are to bloody bone-idle, just let them get on with it. It makes the rest of us look intelligent :D
stuart-says-yes said:
ilmaestro said:
Tachi got their first - the random battles against Aion will be the worst part of the grind. I'm OK, I don't attack unless provoked. ^_^

Great,but won't I need a party of spellers to be able to combat the numerous monsters lurking these forums.
Just a healthy dose of "don't take anything too seriously" and even Aion will be taken down. ^^;

Thank you very much for adjusting your posting style. :)
ilmaestro said:
Just a healthy dose of "don't take anything too seriously" and even Aion will be taken down. ^^;




= ilmaestro