Big ADV UK sale for one week; now - anime DVDs going for £1

I got 38 DVD's, but the 11/10 stuff was gone by the time the shop re-opened on the 23rd. I didn't learn about this sale until the the shop was down on the 22nd... Gutted. :'(

It's so bloody annoying. I rarely check anime news, instead focusing on finding anime bargains, but I hadn't been checking the ADV site for quite some time due to them stopping doing proper sales after Oct/Nov last year. ADV hadn't updated their news articles, meaning I got no email about the sale.

To think I could've got 1-7 of Peacemaker (already have Vol. 1), Last Exile (got Vol. 5), Rahxephon (got Vol. 3, already have Vol. 2), Noir (got Vol. 4) and many other uber shows. At least I got 2-6 of Gilgamesh.
Notice that Anime-on-line have sneakily put all (at least all the ones I looked at) the sold out DVDs from ADV up to full price, now that they're rarities. Crafty.
Just Passing Through said:
You won't be seeing me doing that...

As Charlton Heston once said, "..From my cold dead hands..."

That may be. But there will always be people that see this sort of thing as an earner, and you can bet there will have at least been a couple to get in early and buy up hundreds of DVDs for this purpose. Leaving genuine punters that may have benifited from this out in the cold.
I aciddentally bought two sets of Excel Saga. I imagine that one of them will end up on ebay eventually, when I have a clearout, but I don't plan on ripping anyone off!
Although not as cheap as they were on the ADV sale, Anime-on-line have sets of dvd's (Angelic Layer, Madlax, Gilgamesh, etc) with each disc in the series as a bundle for around 35 quid each. It's not as cheap as the sale, but it's cheaper than buying the individual dvd's would normally be.
The store side of the site was down all of yesterday and hasn't yet gone back up. I'm guessing they've cleared just about all the stock and want to give Chris a chance to keep up.