Beez To Bring Over To The UK: THE BIG O Anime!

fabricatedlunatic said:
Bear in mind that I'm a picky bastard.

My issue with the show basically boiled down to its repetetive robot-of-the-week structure, but your mileage may vary.

Good to see you back around the forum, by the way :)
Cheers, it's good to be back. Hey, maybe I'll even start contributing to anime-related discussion again.

I have these crazy escapades in real life on occasion, which cause me to disappear for extended periods of time but never quite work out... though recent events make me think something has changed for the better there. But this is hardly the time or the place for such discussion. Not that that's ever stopped me before.
You go away for a week and come back to news like this...


About time this got a release, now i can hold off importing the expensive Region 1 versions (last i looked anyway).

Hopefully I'll be able to understand the ending a second time through, that's really my only complaint with the series as a whole.
BlackWolf said:
Hopefully I'll be able to understand the ending a second time through, that's really my only complaint with the series as a whole.

I spent an entire evening discussing this with friends. Once the booze and snacks start flowing, it's a fun ending to discuss. And we actually managed to make sense of it.

Yet we still had questions.

Which we were able to form theoretical answers to.

But couldn't be sure about.

Ah, stuff it. It's a class ending. Not many shows kept me guessing up until the end the way Big O did.
You have no idea how much hilarity the tomatoes thing caused between me and a friend of mine!

'BIG O! IT'S SOUP TIME!' :lol: