ilmaestro said:
Those price tiers are fruity, feels like it needs at least a $50 tier (which should probably be the stuff in the $100 tier, with a new extra added to the $100 tier) and a $500 tier (the cells/sketches are a bit of a poke in the eye even for me, compared to what I was willing to give to the
Eve no Jikan kickstarter).
IncendiaryLemon said:
While the price seems good initially, once you factor in the shipping within the EU, it comes close to £30 in total, which seems a little much for under 2 hours of content. Maybe that's just me.
I think it's just you who looks at "value" as such a medical procedure, devoid of any relation to what the "content" actually is.
Personally, I've never even heard of this show before today, it could be the greatest anime ever created for all I know, so I don't know how good or bad the content actually is, but you can't tell me, even if you really like the show that two 40 minute episodes without any special packaging (Unless you count a different colour amaray case) or any other extras is a little on the high side? Even if someone was selling my favourite show ever at £30 for 4 20 minute episodes in a standard blu ray box, I still wouldn't buy it. Again, it could just be me, the first thing I look at when I look at any anime is the price due to low income. I'd probably be less concerned too if I was earning more.