Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

animes series that have movies discussion

cowboy bepop has a movie
trigun has a movie
naruto has movies
ect ect ect

there are movies that look like movies and movies that look like a hour and a half episodes like cowboy bepop we * most of us* knows what happens at the of cowboy bepop series and the movie does nothing to the main series so basically its a long episode

but movies like eden of the east movie and disappearance of haruhi has something with the main series they are needed to continue the series
That post of Shiroi's was actually folded into the thread and ended up out of order... Funny how it's still perfectly relevant.
is it me or is the list if anime series on axle planet declining.

i dont mean less releases but..........

i was looking up baki the grappler and i know america has it but i couldn't find it on there, is axle planet falling behind,

its either iv got loads and finally caught up or the number of titles are declinin
They often miss things and you need to poke them by e-mail to get them added. I'm not sure that Baki is even still in print (not my cup of tea) as it looks as though it's starting to become rare - better grab it quick if you want it!

Rui said:
They often miss things and you need to poke them by e-mail to get them added. I'm not sure that Baki is even still in print (not my cup of tea) as it looks as though it's starting to become rare - better grab it quick if you want it!

as always your awesome RUI thank you
WoW i just read the whole of this thread i dont think i have had such a big inward feeling of joy and overwhelming sadness
in thread reading before, overall i injoyed it and think AF17 responded perfectly to your early negative behavior allthough
possible not misplaced (there i said it).

But seriously impressed how much AF17 has grown as a AUKN member

yes you animefreak17 GOOD JOB :thumb:

Now that i have an overwhelming sense of oneness and connectedness towards this forum i will disappear back in to the
comfort zone of ''YAY I LOVE ANIME'' thread's that i thought this was, im just saying

animefreak17 said:
i have you guys after i joined (internet buddys) and thats all i need as far as friends go ... &start=720 <-- was a funny convo area sorry for the memories :oops:
I could not agree more interweb buddy just awsome lol