Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

I'm guilty of "mom" usage myself, but only because I speak to so many Americans. It's one of those things like using "y'all" or saying "OMG" out loud that I started as a pisstake and now can't seem to stop without conscious effort.

I lived in the West Mids for 10 years and never heard anyone use it there though? Though that's probably because my friends there were stiff-upper-lipped enough to go with "mother".
I've used "mam" and "mum" in the past (blame moving around as a kid - only different areas of the North East and Yorkshire, but it's surprising how much variation exists). I've settled back into using "mam" but I often still write "mum" even though I rarely use it in speech. Not sure why.
I'm a Mum person myself.

And Fourthlion - I now say "Oh My Arceus!" as an instinctual response as opposed to "Oh My God!" because my Mum is very against blaspheming in the house, so I thought I'd be's now stuck.
Joshawott said:
I now say "Oh My Arceus!" as an instinctual response as opposed to "Oh My God!" because my Mum is very against blaspheming in the house, so I thought I'd be's now stuck.
I've been making an effort recently to try and not use religious language in my exclamations at all - Not for fear of offence, but because I don't hold religious figures in any reverence so it means nothing to me.

Mostly, it's led to me replacing statements such as "Oh God" and "Jesus Christ" with "Oh F*ck" or "F*cking f*ck". A bit samey, but an improvement as I do actually hold sex in some esteem, unlike Gods.
lol, you lot are nuts. Seriously, mom and mam? I thought mum was pretty much universal in England, obviously the accent will differ but I didn't know the actual spelling did! Also, imagining ayase saying "mam" is amusing for some strange reason.
Mam is pretty standard in a lot of the North East.

As for ayase's comment on exclamations, "Oh My Days" is what you will most regularly hear me come out with.
i know travellers and gypsys say mam

off topic but i watched tekken blood vengeance last night and i was think how many well known fighting games there was

mortal kombat
street fighter

i know theses are popular fighting games, if these 4 came together would you play it.
i would if it had a good story to it
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
I now say "Oh My Arceus!" as an instinctual response as opposed to "Oh My God!" because my Mum is very against blaspheming in the house, so I thought I'd be's now stuck.
Mostly, it's led to me replacing statements such as "Oh God" and "Jesus Christ" with "Oh F*ck" or "F*cking f*ck". A bit samey, but an improvement as I do actually hold sex in some esteem, unlike Gods.
You should come north of the border. Very "colourful" exclamations round here.
animefreak17 said:
i know travellers and gypsys say mam

off topic but i watched tekken blood vengeance last night and i was think how many well known fighting games there was

mortal kombat
street fighter

i know theses are popular fighting games, if these 4 came together would you play it.
i would if it had a good story to it

Not sure what you mean by Capcom... do you mean the X vs Capcom games? Because that's basically just Street Fighter and some other non-fighting game characters (and Darkstalkers). Also there's already a Street Fighter vs Tekken being made, throwing Mortal Kombat into the mix may be unlikely though since it's not Japanese-made unlike SF and TK. I know Marvel's american too, but they're characters with a much wider global appeal
question in anime series

has anyone noticed that when siblings are young there close but when they get older they drift apart, i know this happens in real life too but it just seems really really sad drifting apart. i find it sad

Iron is ferromagnetic, and it is a well-established fact that the bones of any two siblings will produce magnetic fields that mutually repel. Over time all siblings will gradually drift apart, except when the influence of the Earth's magnetic flux counteracts localised magnetic moments. (This explains why the indigenous people within the Arctic Circle live in very closely-knit communities.)