UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Hmm, didn't knock my socks off this year. I'd be more excited about Liz and the Blue Bird if I didn't already own the US release, but I'll be double-dipping to get a zone B copy and that booklet. One of the best films of all time, anime or otherwise.

Cyber City Oedo would be another double-dip. I've only watched the current blu-ray once though (I'd seen it countless times on VHS), so that one is going to depend on the price.

I'll probably get The Deer King and...that's about it. It's going to be a much cheaper December for pre-orders than last year.

I'm a little confused about what constitutes an ultimate edition at this point. Most previous ones have had crazy bespoke packaging and unusual extra items. Now the difference between UE and CE just seems to be the page count of the book, unless these releases will have more that hasn't been announced yet.
What happened to Kakegurui Season 2? I am super happy about Liz and the Blue Bird being licensed but it's kinda weird that they did not license season 2 of Sound! Euphonium since the second season is where Nozomi and Mizore are introduced and they are the main characters of this movie.

Sadly this is a repeat of last year for me: only one new title to buy. I already have the Collector's Editions of Revolutionary Girl Utena and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Will be getting the following,

Ascendance of a Bookworm S1+2 CE
The Deer King CE
Liz and the Blue Bird CE - if it's the new home video version.
Nadia, The Secret of Blue Water 4K/Blu-ray UE - as long as it's not the same masters used by GKIDS in the US.
Tower of God CE/UE
Goodbye Donglees CE
Cyber City Oedo 8080 re-release CE

I'm glad I didn't import Tower of God from Australia now, but really disappointed they did not announce season 2 of Kakegurui, it would have been the perfect time with season 1 coming in the last Christmas sale.
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That was quite amusing with Cyber City. Guess the fact the master disc was found was rather frustrating after all that work.

For me though, not interested in most of the announcements this year. Except for one.


To whoever heard my prays for this, thank you. The fact it's not even a CE but an UE instead, I'm over the moon (on everything but price but that's my wallet's problem in a few days, not my current self's problems).
That was quite amusing with Cyber City. Guess the fact the master disc was found was rather frustrating after all that work.

For me though, not interested in most of the announcements this year. Except for one.


To whoever heard my prays for this, thank you. The fact it's not even a CE but an UE instead, I'm over the moon (on everything but price but that's my wallet's problem in a few days, not my current self's problems).

Let's just hope Anime Limited pick up all 3 seasons. 🤞
I'm definetly grabbing Ascendance of a Bookworm S1&2 CE, been wait for that for ages.
Tower of god is tempting but not sure how much that ones gonna set me back (similar for nadia).
And a few others that are tempting but might just wait and see on most (maybe that extra 15-10% off will make it magically appear in my basket)
I was hoping to hear something on the other seasons of InuYasha but I’m guessing that’s not happening anytime soon. Will be in for Bookworm though will chalk up the others in the run up to them going live.
Probably just Nadia for me, although if it ends up being one of their a4 super sized variants of a UE, I probably won't have the space for it and will have to wait for the inevitable CE blu ray re-release they will likely do.

I might have to cancel my animeunlimited, as i don't know about anyone else, but this looks like to be a year where I won't make my money back on it - whereas the first year I think I ended up recouping the full cost - and that was back when it was a full screenanime subscription

I was expecting this Christmas to be a big one as well with Gunbuster, Macross Plus, Evangelion 3+1 and Wings of Honneamise 4k still to be announced.
Overall, a disappointing line-up, but will probably end up expensive because I'm a sucker.

Ascendance of a Bookworm S1+2 - Will buy even though Season 3, if Crunchyroll even bother in the UK, won't match.
The Deer King - Will buy, enjoyed at the cinema
Liz and the Blue Bird - Will double dip for packaging and pray for better master
Nadia - Will double dip for the pretty packaging even though the new master isn't as good as the old master on Sentai/Animatsu's release.
Evangelion CE - Again, a CE re-release better than the UE. I want that poster, but I am not double dipping from UE to CE again.
Tower of God - Skipping this one, didn't like the series.
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Quite happy with the old release since I have the outer box.
Goodbye Donglees - Definitely getting this one, already looking forward to rewatching it at the cinema next week,
Cyber City Oedo 8080 rerelease - Already bought the first CE and Discotek's steelbook, but will triple dip to support. An option to just buy the new disc and upgrade the old CE would've been appreciated though
Ghibli compilation vinyl - Will probably give this a miss unless it hits a future christmas sale.
Attack on Titan S3 vinyl - Already got the standard deluxe edition
Big question, missed the original cyber city oedo release (and annoyed because I wanted to see it) what was the problem with the original release that's improved with the master release being found?
I admit Cyber City Oedo is still sitting in my backlog and I don't know what to do with it in light of this new release.
I'm very tempted by Goodbye Donglees cos it's had such a positive reception but I've not seen it yet (cinema showtimes for it next week are woeful around me, it's got a single screening on a wed evening and that's it) and so depending on price I may wait for a standard edition, otherwise I think it'll be nothing for me.

And I'll say it again, no Eva 3.0+1.0 is very disappointing, I figured that was a lock.
Depending on the deals of the sale itself, I may cancel my AU sub though, as I don't find I've had that much value from it this year.
Probably just Goodbye Donglees for me, maybe Liz and the Blue Bird. Would be all over Nadia if it was a decent release but it won't be, hopefully people buying it start dumping their old BD sets on eBay for a decent price though lol.
I had heard Nadia was bad luckily own the original release so may just buy it to see how bad it is and the the extras depending on price. Liz and the blue bird is weird as should I expect Sound Promise on a brand new day next? But will buy it on the hope for the HV masters.
I had heard Nadia was bad luckily own the original release so may just buy it to see how bad it is and the the extras depending on price. Liz and the blue bird is weird as should I expect Sound Promise on a brand new day next? But will buy it on the hope for the HV masters.
Hanners said he believes they are using the same the US did so I wouldn't hold out much hope there.
So weird that Liz and the Blue Bird movie got licensed despite the Sound! Euphonium Season 2 having not been licensed. Nozomi and Mizore, who are the main characters of Liz and the Blue Bird movie, are first introduced in the second season and the movie kinda continues/picks up from where the second season left their relationship.

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