are you able to say at this point in time if the 2021 release of Seed HD remaster will have its own CE box or will it be like standard gundam release patterns where the "re-release" is just in amaray cases with no other physical extras?Handy to know on that - hence why I wasn't sure! Had a feeling the answer lay somewhere on Twitter...point remains on mileage varying there based on price gap - does explain why ours is cheaper there too then
This is now making me want a 0079 set with the Operation V instruction manual.
Scheduled maybe, but it remains to be seen if it actually manages to release on that date. Either way, I’m definitely on board for this the same time as the USA
It's a fair point that it's a chunky price for any title either way! Also worth highlighting that both like-for-like and cost-for-cost you won't find Gundam Seed any cheaper in HD in the UK on launch. Right now the US pre-order price is $224.99 (£172.59 at today's rate), then shipping to the UK makes it $262.50 / £201.36. That's not including any customs charges you could get hit with too.
You're not only getting the same discs and extras (coded to Region B) for £81.37 less at the same time as the USA (before any customs), you'll be getting collector's packaging in line with the other UK editions and an artbook as well (which will be the same dimensions as the box for us not an A4 - which I am not sure the US one isn't too based on packshots).
Folks mileage may vary but at that kind of price difference, if it's a Blu-Ray sized book there too then you'll need to weigh up how much that is worth to you!
The blog post says...andy for your customers in OZ can they still order it and will the UE be showing up else were ? i know the current situation with the world makes things difficult but shipping was already High ...........
Availability: Trade wide. ( online shop initially; other retailers will follow in the coming months.)
Did they say how many units though? If its the usual 1,000 it's not totally in the realm of the impossible they'll sell a good chunk of that before it even makes it to Amazon, Zavvii etc...The blog post says...
I asked Hanners about the unit count and he said it's currently not finalised as they're sharing the units with France (like they have done with other AL sets). It could be 1000, it could be 500, it could be the amount of times Kira is crying.Did they say how many units though? If its the usual 1,000 it's not totally in the realm of the impossible they'll sell a good chunk of that before it even makes it to Amazon, Zavvii etc...
Edit. I checked and I was wrong the Wing & 00 'collection boxes' which I assume is just what this will look like were actually 500 print run.
Or the amount of times you see Tolle get decapitatedI asked Hanners about the unit count and he said it's currently not finalised as they're sharing the units with France (like they have done with other AL sets). It could be 1000, it could be 500, it could be the amount of times Kira is crying.
It's a fair point that it's a chunky price for any title either way! Also worth highlighting that both like-for-like and cost-for-cost you won't find Gundam Seed any cheaper in HD in the UK on launch. Right now the US pre-order price is $224.99 (£172.59 at today's rate), then shipping to the UK makes it $262.50 / £201.36. That's not including any customs charges you could get hit with too.
You're not only getting the same discs and extras (coded to Region B) for £81.37 less at the same time as the USA (before any customs), you'll be getting collector's packaging in line with the other UK editions and an artbook as well (which will be the same dimensions as the box for us not an A4 - which I am not sure the US one isn't too based on packshots).
Folks mileage may vary but at that kind of price difference, if it's a Blu-Ray sized book there too then you'll need to weigh up how much that is worth to you!
I think you have to wait for the 3 day free trial period to pass and then once your money is taken after that they activate you for the code. That's how it was at the start at least.If I join the screen anime year subscription Do i get the 10% discount instantly btw?
You get the discount once your free trial is up and you get a full membership. If you don't get an email about it at the time, you can reach out to AL or the Screen Anime socials with your account details and it can be applied. As a note though, make sure that you use the same email address as your Anime Limited store account.If I join the screen anime year subscription Do i get the 10% discount instantly btw?