Okay one more question what about the extra discs so Wing’s and when you reach SEED would you have the DVDs with the original dub?
@anime_andrew will we be getting any updates regarding Tokyo Ghoul: re parts 1 and 2 soon?
Great to hear!Sure will. Stay tuned!
Give me consistency anyday. I'd much rather have every release in a nice chipboard box than a collection of amarays with the odd huge, shelf space killing box full of tat.
tossed the big box, clear plastic slipcover, and the rest of the insides into the trash.
I have to admit I do love the Escaflowne UE, but that's all digipaks with lots of artwork.For what its worth I really like the larger boxes of the Ultimate Editions. Escaflowne and Terror in Resonance are side on up on my bookshelf (in front of other stuff) so I can see the box as a piece of art.
The Eureka 7 black cardboard throw away box housing everything was a huge disappointment to me.
I have to admit I do love the Escaflowne UE, but that's all digipaks with lots of artwork.
So the gundam wing part 2 CE's only difference is a 48 page book? I got part 1 but I am sure I can pick part 2 up cheaper without the little booklet at a later date (which is preferable to me if it's the case.)
The SE are the same price in gundams case as mention above
Keep in mind that without the booklet the two cases don't fit tightly inside the box.Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to pick it up cheaper down the line. The srp seems very high. I'd be looking to pay £25 - £30
Doubt it, as mentioned before due to the nature of the agreement with Sunrise you won't see these at a sale price.Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to pick it up cheaper down the line. The srp seems very high. I'd be looking to pay £25 - £30
The Christmas sale should be able to offer some discounts on Gundam like last year.Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to pick it up cheaper down the line. The srp seems very high. I'd be looking to pay £25 - £30