UPS has just been with mine. Hope yours come soon.Praying UPS come through today.
UPS has just been with mine. Hope yours come soon.Praying UPS come through today.
Nearly 5.30 and still nothing...sigh
Translation, I get paid crap to go to your house as there are no other deliveries in a 10 mile radius so just don't bother.Had to chase UPS up but have it now.
Driver's excuse is they ran out of hours Friday and snarked they were now at my place even though they were out of hours for today too.
I get I'm just one customer and numerous factors determine business decisions but- AL, please adopt a better courier for these releases. I have a problem with UPS every time and now a driver has just confirmed it's basically a lottery as to if I get product I've paid a not exactly small amount for.
Trust me, I totally get UPS are likely making things crappy for their staff. But fact is they missed getting this to me as promised and then basically admit if they could have got away with it they wouldn't have delivered today either.Translation, I get paid crap to go to your house as there are no other deliveries in a 10 mile radius so just don't bother.
I can understand having delivery quotas, but this whole getting paid per package nonsense needs to stop.
My 2 wil get it in 7 two 14 days.Just got my Mystery bundle shipping email as well!
I imagine they have to do it as it was streamed, so as far as I know it's streaming subs for anything that comes off NetflixI wonder if ALs Violet Evergarden will have better subs than Netflix or are they (and madman) Forced to use Netflix's.
Soldier: Where do you think they will attack?
Dietfried: Somewhere where we slow down.
And somewhere where it will be hard to restore if it is destroyed.
The Grandezza Bridge! (which Violet flew over earlier and the pilot called it so)
It took ten years to build that tunnel(!?)
The transcontinental railroad will be out of commission for some time if it is destroyed.
Also, separately, there was a scene with a wide shot of some mountains with a citadel on top one called Intense. Now the Japanese VA says Intense (as in the name of the place in English, or whatever the language of the area is) as it is a reference to something she remembers. The sub also says Intense, but they translated an English word (or reinterpretated it) to beautiful(as in it was a beautiful view) in the English dub!
It's Intense that was the particular thing I was thinking of. Man, many of those episodes must be a mess for those watching subs, those were pretty much the only problems in the dub, and it was one episodeIn my experience it was the dub that had weird elements in it, especially episode 12: