What is there really to change though since we fixed the glitches from launch?
a few things I'll put here for others to debate,
What is the deal with 6 month gaps?
Now I already pointed out that Re Zero part 2 was going to be, not surprised, seems Funi have caught the same bug.
the newest example has left me frankly staggered, while looking for new releasees to throw money at I happened upon a release date for Testament of a sister new devil burst, which is (hopefully released) in October in the US, that is not the problem, on the same site (up1) they have the UK release on there, have a guess..... ? March 2019, oh look it's 6 months again.
now to the next annoyance (or potential irksome waste of time) Twin star exorcist, now if you follow the normal pattern you do realise this won't be complete for nearly 2 years? which I will probably have given up on AL completely by then,
So please prove me wrong this time and don't continue with this 6 month wait for parts/seasons, I can understand doing gaps for re-releases, these aren't these are the first release for this region/country. If anybody requotes the same, small company at me I will lose my temper, MVM are only 2, count them 2 people, hard to get any smaller really. so there you go pick the bones out of that one
It would seem you're reasonably new to the UK anime scene, as even 6 months is far better than the gaps used to be 8-10 years+ ago...
a few things I'll put here for others to debate,
What is the deal with 6 month gaps?
Now I already pointed out that Re Zero part 2 was going to be, not surprised, seems Funi have caught the same bug.
the newest example has left me frankly staggered, while looking for new releasees to throw money at I happened upon a release date for Testament of a sister new devil burst, which is (hopefully released) in October in the US, that is not the problem, on the same site (up1) they have the UK release on there, have a guess..... ? March 2019, oh look it's 6 months again.
now to the next annoyance (or potential irksome waste of time) Twin star exorcist, now if you follow the normal pattern you do realise this won't be complete for nearly 2 years? which I will probably have given up on AL completely by then,
So please prove me wrong this time and don't continue with this 6 month wait for parts/seasons, I can understand doing gaps for re-releases, these aren't these are the first release for this region/country. If anybody requotes the same, small company at me I will lose my temper, MVM are only 2, count them 2 people, hard to get any smaller really. so there you go pick the bones out of that one
Could you add spaces between paragraphs. Reading your posts is really hard.
ok then since people want to go there, I am not new to the anime scene, I've probably been around longer than most of you, since I was about when VHS was the height of tech and we had more companies than we have at no point since. if we want a history lesson, single volumes were 2-3 months per 4-6 eps, the only company that were forced to do 3 didn't finish most of there releases (revelations) these are probably the biggest gaps we have seen in the UK, not completing a release is admittedly a longer gap
Re Zero has been set for December US, and as I said this isn't about that, since that is not an AL caused problem.Since this is the AL discussion thread, probably why I wasn't getting at that.
Twin star, did I say that it had been announced over hear, I don't think I did, I was merely putting a point across, if it followed the 6 month gap virus that seems to be the new rule, then it will be nearly 2 years, Did I say it was going to happen? No don't think so, in any case, the US release for part 2 is out this month so we'll see what happens with the UK release.
Testament burst, as the Doctor said has been announced for 30/10 and as I said the future releases on UP1 put it up that the UK was due in March(technically not 6 month but damn close) but it does seem to be a running theme for AL 6 month being a norm, That is the point I wanted people to discuss not that I'm a newbie (which I'm not) or that my facts aren't quite right (which they are)