Not to rain on all these hard facts being delivered - but it's actually because we sold a load of units of the original series and only a subset of people care enough to buy both versions or specifically wanted compilation films (some things haven't changed over the ages)
Interesting fact - Gundam doesn't sell badly here - it's a common misconception based on what I said before. It's just that there's a dedicated number of sales and compared to the USA the numbers are lower. That fact is pretty obvious when you consider population size of the UK vs the USA to all of us, alas in a sales context wishful thinking can set in comparing the two!
Actually also untrue - we got it because of the UK - but it makes more commercial sense to do France too at the same time instead of two separate authorings. Ultimately it still costs more to do - just less than doing two separately (even if we used the US master and France made it's own)!
The more you know and all that jazz!