Thanks for that write up for the podcast, I'm super tired from work, phasing in and out while listening so it was great to read it back and gain full understanding.
In regards to the podcast:
- Blood Blockade & Death Parade maybe some of those titles mentioned, unless someone else nabbed them before A/L could. Or..some could be titles that are airing soon?
- - I see Project Itoh , I know screening films within their French market doesn't mean we'll get them screened in the UK (or a physical release) but I'm mega interested in seeing all three....
- I'd be sad it Fate/Kalied Liner PRISMA ILLYA 2wei! was licensed by someone else, I'd prefer A/L picked up all three seasons for consistency. I guess it does boil down to how well the first season does & if its worth it. I'm sure MVM would get a hold of the second and third season if A/L passed which means we could still have a physical release

- Neon Genesis Evangelion. If Funi get the rights, would that mean Manga/Animatsu have first dibs?