The box is alright, more custom than I thought they would go for, and its good that they listened to peoples feedback as it was something that a lot of people on Facebook and Twitter were asking for since the announcement of KLK being released in multiple parts. Its a little too...over-engineered for my tastes.
All it needed was a simple slipbox, like the one that came with the Vol 1 Manman released in Australia. A little 'OCD', but why does the 'spine' have five stripes when there's only 3 volumes? :$ Its a design choice, but an odd one for me at least. Design wise its a bit plain with huge logos and a profile pic on one side and another on the outer spine, with her bottom half missing, but given the assets available and the fact that they weren't going to do a box at all at first, fair enough I guess. I have a feeling that the 1st press will last a while, even long after release. Its a miss for me in any case, for obvious reasons but it seems like everyone is happy, and it works to get people who might have otherwise waited to now go and pre-order. Good business move for Anime Limited to get pre-order numbers up and I can see more first press/pre-order bonuses down the line mimicking the way games have been for a while.
The box that they released in Aus:
Less special, more practical.