Hey everyone! Sorry it's been about a month since my last update - I went home for 2 weeks and wasn't around to post, and the week before going away for 2 weeks traditionally tends to destroy any carefully laid plans you may have had to get stuff done/short updates posted. But, it turns out that this tiny delay has worked in my favour as I have a TON of information to share! So let's start.
Packaging Approval
We have it! Everyone and every group involved in the approval process has signed off on our packaging designs! This includes the booklet that we are now including with the collector's edition that we added after the fact.
This means we will be moving into production ASAP and get this project moving. In terms of delivery date, I will be totally honest with you - all we can say now is 'before Christmas' and here is why:
- Production process usually runs about 2 months from start to finish
- In our experience, issues and problems inevitably crop up - so we need to take this into consideration when calculating our delivery date
- Number of backers + information from backer surveys will have an impact (more on that below)
- Artbook approval still in progress (more information on that below too). The impact here could be that backers who included an artbook may have to wait a bit longer than those who didn't as it is safer and easier to send these together. No decisions have been made as we don't have final dates - so we're interested in hearing your opinions on this matter.
- We are entering heavy production period (run up to Christmas is starting early this year - September rather than the traditional October)
So - if we were to go by the strict 2 month rule, we would be looking at end of October/early November. With the other factors taken into consideration, we're hoping to not be too far off November - but I will update once we have confirmation from production on dates.
Digital Rewards
We have approval on this too! I will be sending these out via the Kickstarter private messaging system. They will be available to download from a link - trying to keep things as simple as possible
Backer Surveys
Now that we have approval and we can start moving into production, we will prepare the backer surveys and send them out by the end of this week. If you could please fill them in as early as possible, it'll help us on our end in terms of operations and planning. It helps us get a better idea of when and how you will expect to receive your copies..
So, please please please keep an eye out this week for your backer survey! I will keep the option to edit your address open until we're ready to ship. I will post an update warning when this will happen and when I'm closing the option to edit address to give you guys a head's up. After the fact, you'll have to get in touch directly. But we can cross that bridge if we get there.
For those of you who backed a tier with a cinema quad, we're very happy to tell you that we have been allowed to use the new quad design that is part of the new Japanese release and their promotional designs!
We're waiting on the files for the new quad design but as soon as we have it, I'll post an update with the image. It is really pretty! We are so happy we're allowed to use this new image as part of our Kickstarter campaign
This has not been signed off yet but we are very, very close! There are a couple small changes that need to be made and sent back for approval. We are currently in the process of sorting this out (we literally heard back on this this morning) for approval.
We are also working on getting a "packshot" of the artbook to share with you guys as well. We don't have one to hand now, but once it's made we will share the image here. The cover is BEAUTIFUL and I can't wait to share with you all here.
The Japanese Release and Questions About the English Dub
While I was away, it was announced that Mai Mai Miracle will be released in Japan and will be using the English dub funded and created by this Kickstarter campaign. A lot of you had questions about the benefit of backing this campaign, considering it's taken a helluva long time to turn it around if the Japanese release will also include the dub. Here is my breakdown of the benefits - and also what we will do to make sure we look after all our backers who have been with us on this journey that has taken far, far longer than any of us anticipated:
- Kickstarter backers are special and backers of the Collector's Edition will own a copy of the film that is unique to this campaign. There is a lot to this release - including a bespoke booklet with a ton of information on characters and backgrounds
- Kickstarter Standard Edition backers will also have their copies months before general release in the UK and the US. Standard edition releases will not be available to the wider market until 2017
- Some Kickstarter backers will also have access to a bespoke artbook that is unavailable anywhere else in the world
- The rewards (both physical and digital) are unique to this campaign - especially the giclee prints
- You are all the early adopters and trendsetters here

So what can we do to look after our backers in terms of this release?
If we are unable to release our physical copies before the Japanese release, all backers will have access to the English dub via Vimeo (as we did with the sub version) 1 week before the film is released in Japan.
While it may not be the ideal situation (that would be getting the KS version out before Japan), we have to work in a reality that is governed by the laws of time and physics. We believe you deserve to have the whole film before anyone else considering you all made this happen. We stand firmly on this subject and we always do our best to look out for our backers.
I think that's it for now! It's a lot and we are so happy that things are finally starting to move. Again, expect updates every couple of weeks now as we progress through this - and even if there isn't much to update.
I better be getting on sending those digital assets and preparing the backer survey! As ever, thanks so much for all your patience and support on this project. It's been a hell of a ride but we're happy you guys were here with us
- Team Anime Limited