UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I kind of like the episode labelling errors on Anime Limited releases, I think I'll miss them if they go. I'd say they even improved my experience of Space Dandy by making me watch an episode out of order with the wrong preview.
Quite frankly, who cares is the discs are labelled wrong? To my knowledge there are no translucent blu-ray players that let you watch the disc as you watch the contents of the disc, as long as you can tell which disc is which, what does it matter?
Why? It makes no difference. I understand complaints about typos in booklets and to an extent on the front/back covers, but not the disc labels. Their only purpose is to tell you the name and disc order for the show in question, even if the episode counts are wrong, it's still accomplished it's mission.

Anime fans are really whiny, and half the time it's about stuff that doesn't even matter. I mean you heard far more complaints about Warner Bros. use of standardised menus on JoJo's than you did about their use of dubtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. It's clear which of those is the more pertinent and annoying problem, yet all you heard was people bitching about the menus....

Can we all please just step back and be more reasonable?
BlackStrat said:
If all you want is to upgrade to Blu-ray you can still get the French version. Considering the disc's got the BBFC rating on it I think it's fair to assume it's exactly the same, the only difference being that the cover is in French. And even if it isn't the same disc, I can confirm it has English audio and subs.
[spoilerbutton]Sorry for potato quality
If you wanted a CE then obviously this barebones release will seem lackluster to you.
Thanks for that. I missed out on the BD when it was released so i've got the dvd instead (which i had signed at London Expo years ago by the direct or producer), so i'm glad to finally get the BD now as its a truly awesome film and deserves to be watched in its High Definition glory.
My Baccano still has't arrived from Amazon, tracking hasn't been updated since Monday morning but they claim they attempted delivery on Sunday and Monday. No card was left and no tracking to say this is so.

Not happy with them at the moment!
britguy said:
My Baccano still has't arrived from Amazon, tracking hasn't been updated since Monday morning but they claim they attempted delivery on Sunday and Monday. No card was left and no tracking to say this is so.

Not happy with them at the moment!
Strange, mine has just been delivered from amazon by Royal Mail and it fit through the letterbox easily.
Gemsy-chan said:
britguy said:
My Baccano still has't arrived from Amazon, tracking hasn't been updated since Monday morning but they claim they attempted delivery on Sunday and Monday. No card was left and no tracking to say this is so.

Not happy with them at the moment!
Strange, mine has just been delivered from amazon by Royal Mail and it fit through the letterbox easily.

Yeah I was chatting to an amazon rep, i's amazon logistics who are delivering it, not Royal Mail. They're saying "maybe the box is too big", I said "every other item I ordered from this company fits through my letterbox, or if not, I get a missed delivery card, neither of these have happened yet". Fingers crossed for today.
With mine, tracking hasn't been updated at all and has an estimated date of next Monday. I really believe that Amazon gives MRW a date to deliver it and they just delay the delivery until that date; other stuff I've ordered, when delivered by MRW, arrived here in about 2-3 days, and if it has already been sent, there's no reason at all to take more than a week (according to the mail, it was dispatched on Saturday). Pretty miffed about it, I am.
Buzz201 said:
Why? It makes no difference. I understand complaints about typos in booklets and to an extent on the front/back covers, but not the disc labels. Their only purpose is to tell you the name and disc order for the show in question, even if the episode counts are wrong, it's still accomplished it's mission.

Anime fans are really whiny, and half the time it's about stuff that doesn't even matter. I mean you heard far more complaints about Warner Bros. use of standardised menus on JoJo's than you did about their use of dubtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. It's clear which of those is the more pertinent and annoying problem, yet all you heard was people bitching about the menus....

Can we all please just step back and be more reasonable?
To be fair, due to the order I watched Space Dandy in I did miss an episode due to mislabelled discs, it was just lucky that it worked out and that I noticed the missed episode. It could make an even bigger difference in a less episodic show if you started the wrong episode by accident and had spoilers for the next episode you were supposed to watch.

I don't think you can really make absolute rules about which problems do or don't matter, different people will be affected by different things and it's not really fair to say that some of them are just wrong to be bothered by a problem. We're really talking about a subjective issue and people can't always choose how they'll feel about something. I'm all for being reasonable in how you express your feelings but at the end of the day if something has bothered you then it's already too late to not feel that way. Being told that you were wrong to feel that way in the first place isn't very helpful. Even if there's not really anything that can be done about a problem, sometimes people just want to make sure they've voiced their view on it.

I guess this is maybe a personal thing but I'm not a fan of the idea that any problem should be ignored just because it's smaller than other problems. I understand the need to prioritise but I think it's worth acknowledging minor mistakes and correcting them where possible (or at least making sure to avoid them in the future). It can help to avoid minor problems adding up or becoming larger and I think there's also a certain satisfaction in trying to move closer to perfection.

I don't think it's unreasonable to point out mistakes, even if they are relatively minor. I do agree that some people can be a little unfair in their complaints but I think it's worth noting that talking about an issue doesn't always mean you're actually complaining or "whining" about it. Coming down too hard on people for talking about an issue seems just as bad as coming down too hard on a company for having the issue in the first place.

I guess I'm saying that it's alright for you to be bothered by people complaining about an issue but it's not really fair to suggest that people shouldn't be talking about the issues just because you think they're minor. I hope that makes sense.
Smeelia said:
To be fair, due to the order I watched Space Dandy in I did miss an episode due to mislabelled discs, it was just lucky that it worked out and that I noticed the missed episode. It could make an even bigger difference in a less episodic show if you started the wrong episode by accident and had spoilers for the next episode you were supposed to watch.

I don't think you can really make absolute rules about which problems do or don't matter, different people will be affected by different things and it's not really fair to say that some of them are just wrong to be bothered by a problem. We're really talking about a subjective issue and people can't always choose how they'll feel about something. I'm all for being reasonable in how you express your feelings but at the end of the day if something has bothered you then it's already too late to not feel that way. Being told that you were wrong to feel that way in the first place isn't very helpful. Even if there's not really anything that can be done about a problem, sometimes people just want to make sure they've voiced their view on it.

I guess this is maybe a personal thing but I'm not a fan of the idea that any problem should be ignored just because it's smaller than other problems. I understand the need to prioritise but I think it's worth acknowledging minor mistakes and correcting them where possible (or at least making sure to avoid them in the future). It can help to avoid minor problems adding up or becoming larger and I think there's also a certain satisfaction in trying to move closer to perfection.

I don't think it's unreasonable to point out mistakes, even if they are relatively minor. I do agree that some people can be a little unfair in their complaints but I think it's worth noting that talking about an issue doesn't always mean you're actually complaining or "whining" about it. Coming down too hard on people for talking about an issue seems just as bad as coming down too hard on a company for having the issue in the first place.

I guess I'm saying that it's alright for you to be bothered by people complaining about an issue but it's not really fair to suggest that people shouldn't be talking about the issues just because you think they're minor. I hope that makes sense.

I appreciate there could be a problem if you check the label of the disc, rather than the contents, I was being presumptuous and assuming most people would watch a few episodes at a time, and know when they've finished a disc.

I disagree with the classification of the menus on JoJo's a problem, that is my issue. It's an intentional decision on Warner Bros. part, and the menu provided fulfils all required functions, maybe it's a decision you disagree with, but it's not a "problem". When there are actual problems and what many would consider more disagreeable decisions with the disc, like the use of dubtitles (which is arguably the only problem with the disc) or the fact they've crammed 9 episodes on a DVD or the fact it's DVD-only, it is outright ridiculous to hear people focussing on the menus.

Maybe you think I'm being unfair on the complainers, but if Warner Bros. were to try and solve only one of the problems or bad decisions of the release, I'd think most of us would rather it wasn't the menus (although if they checked Twitter, they'd almost certainly be given the opposite impression). By all means mention them as a footnote, but don't give them the headline, like people were doing. Fortunately AL have reached the point where there are only footnotes for them, and I've yet to be unhappy with an AL release I've brought, and I don't see that changing any time soon.
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Anime Limited Newsire #46 - 19.11.2015

We get a glimpse at the Terror in Resonance set coming in Q2 of 2016

Edit: NormanicGrav is way too quick! Haha.

My opinion of the set: very nice, but I wish it were smaller. I know it's to accommodate the book but still a bit meh for me. Saying that, it looks nice and i doubt Funi's version will be much cop so I am sold guys.
TIR looking good. It's been on my To Watch list for a while. Weather I pick it up or wait for a Standard Edition will depend on my financial situation and the price when it comes out.
IncendiaryLemon said:
TIR looking good. It's been on my To Watch list for a while. Weather I pick it up or wait for a Standard Edition will depend on my financial situation and the price when it comes out.

Please watch (and listen for that matter) to this series, it's one of those short but much more than sweet series
Mrclt1994 said:
Edit: NormanicGrav is way too quick! Haha.
Mrclt1994 said:
My opinion of the set: very nice, but I wish it were smaller. I know it's to accommodate the book but still a bit meh for me. Saying that, it looks nice and i doubt Funi's version will be much cop so I am sold guys.
I would have preferred a Collector's Edition 'Baccano!' style set honestly. Funi's artwork is great (and thankfully it's kept for the UK UE). It's going to depend on the price tag on whether I go for the UK or US version in all honesty.

And speaking of Funimation, given that Anime Limited are planning on releasing Lord Marksman & Vanadis and Tokyo ESP around the same time as the US release. I'm hoping that they give it the 'Baccano!' treatment also and keep the outside artwork the exact same as the US Limited Edition version (effectively it will look like a Funimation release but on the inside it's an Anime Limited product).

US artwork for LM&V and TESP so you can see what I'm trying to say

*For those who are baffled by my description of the Baccano! treatment it's basically similar to the Baccano! set itself but the spine is clean and it's all artwork and no logos. Essentially making it look like a US release. A mini-slipcover like Kill la Kill or a small info sheet to place in the box would be a cool alternative*
I actually miss the Anime Limited spine, it makes my collection look off now by not having it on that one. :)

I do love a good Ultimate Edition, but not a fan of the new layout (case in middle of box) with amaray cases like FMP. I'd like the Terror In Resonance one to be a digipak and outer box (like the Baccano release) in the space instead of an amaray.

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