Death Scythe
A month or two I could probably live with, but it's not a show I'm actually that fussed about, so I'm cancelling mine as well.
You're receiving this email as you've placed an order for the Ascendance of a Bookworm Collector's Edition from our AllTheAnime.com store.
We're contacting you to let you know that unfortunately the release date of this item has been moved to September 25th, 2023.
Not sure if the “blimey”(s) are due to the length of delay, or because we’re actually being told about it?Got email...blimey Ascendance of a Bookworm has been delayed until September.
Mines the same as yoursHi there, did anyone else buy Love Live Nijigasaki? My copy arrived today and it was fine until I pulled out the actual disc box and the cover sleeve was squashed into a box that clearly wasn't intended for the size of the sleeve itself, ruining the cover. This is really disappointing considering this was delayed quite a bit (can't remember the original release date) and you'd think it was due to make sure the release was the best it can be.
Is this just my copy or really poor quality control overall?
I don't have that one, but it's interesting that this is the opposite problem from a lot of other recent AL releases, which have covers that are significantly narrower than normal, leaving an ugly gap. Maybe they tried to fix that issue and overcompensated?Hi there, did anyone else buy Love Live Nijigasaki? My copy arrived today and it was fine until I pulled out the actual disc box and the cover sleeve was squashed into a box that clearly wasn't intended for the size of the sleeve itself, ruining the cover. This is really disappointing considering this was delayed quite a bit (can't remember the original release date) and you'd think it was due to make sure the release was the best it can be.
Is this just my copy or really poor quality control overall?
Oooooo. Pretty boxes. Someone wants my money.
Let us know what they tell you. Be worth knowing if I need to report it directly to them as well.Sorry to hear you both are in the same situation, I'm going to guess this is an issue all round then as I'm yet to see/hear from someone who's version isn't like this. I held off importing the US copy, since the UK version was announced at the same time as it was airing so I held off. Depending on how the response to my email goes down will depend on if I import Love Live! SuperStar!! or not.
Sure thing, I'll let you know as soon as I can. Will probably be Monday/Tuesday next week.Let us know what they tell you. Be worth knowing if I need to report it directly to them as well.
Oh damn, I guess my copy will be the same when it arrives... Damn, this release was delayed twice (or was it three times? it was delayed at least twice) and it still ended up like this...Hi there, did anyone else buy Love Live Nijigasaki? My copy arrived today and it was fine until I pulled out the actual disc box and the cover sleeve was squashed into a box that clearly wasn't intended for the size of the sleeve itself, ruining the cover. This is really disappointing considering this was delayed quite a bit (can't remember the original release date) and you'd think it was due to make sure the release was the best it can be.
Is this just my copy or really poor quality control overall?
I also felt it was delayed three times, but wasn't sure. Please let us know once you receive your copy if it's the same.Oh damn, I guess my copy will the same when it arrives... Damn, this release was delayed twice (or was it three times? it was delayed at least twice) and it still ended up like this...Argh, this is so annoying and unfortunate, I waited for this release for so long and now I can't even enjoy it finally being released and arriving cause it will be damaged and poor quality...
If there's anything else @Hanners @demiopedia or @anime_andrew would like to say with bookworn specifically that needs to be said I'm hopeful people are happy to listen.I wondered why my anime-senses were tingling, and now I know why! So, let's get into this...
First and foremost, I do owe a lot of you apologies for late notifications of delays, and to be quite honest at least some of that is on me. I'm well aware that being notified late or on release date isn't great or fair on you folks, and we try to avoid it wherever possible.
Now, this is where it gets trickier - manufacturing a product isn't just hitting "print", selecting how many copies you want and then waiting for them to be churned out, completed. Every product has a multitude of components (discs, booklets, slipcases, Amarays etc), all of which aren't necessarily coming from the same production plant. These components may arrive at different times, some may be delayed while others arrive early, etc etc. Ever built a custom PC and had everything turn up except the CPU fan? That can happen with a Collector's Edition too.
Then you have what goes on the disc - authoring or delivery of masters is reliant on third-parties and takes time, then there's QC which can cause further delays to ensure the product is to the absolute best standard possible. (As a personal example here, I was personally and solely responsible for the final delay to Cardcaptor Sakura because I wanted one last pass of subtitle QC, because as product manager on that title I knew nothing but the best possible experience would do).
All of this is taking place in what is currently an uncertain world - the UK is rife with strikes (which is not a criticism of any industrial action by the way), paper stock is still frequently in short supply throughout the world, COVID-19 causes staff shortages at irregular intervals across industries (from manufacture to delivery), and other world events such as the war in Ukraine also have an impact (bear in mind at least some production facilities are based in Poland and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, with a fair number of staff of Ukranian origin).
What all of this amounts to is a complex process that we monitor and check in on daily for every product as closely as we can, but ultimately we are reliant on third-parties and sometimes that information can take a while to reach us, especially when you start to factor in absences due to some of the reasons outlined above.
This can leave us with a conundrum - do we announce a delay without a new date? Do we just announce an arbitrary date when we don't have information to-hand as to its accuracy? Or do we wait until we have up-to-date information that allows us to make an informed decision as to delivery dates? It's a balancing act, and I'll be the first to admit we haven't always gotten it right.
Anyway, I realise this probably sounds like excuses and hand-wringing, but the important point I want to come to is that we absolutely hear the concerns and frustrations, and want to rectify them - we were in a good place where things were running smoothly in terms of delays (and more importantly the general lack of them), and I can only acknowledge that this year in particular has seen a spike in those delays. We're not blind to this fact - it's something that we're all aware of and are working to minimize (because honestly, no matter how hard you try they'll never be eradicated entirely), and we're always looking to set dates that are both achievable and reasonable, but there's more work to be done there and we hope you'll be patient while we work to rediscover that balance after the supply chain challenges of the past couple of years have changed the landscape around us.
As a final thought, I do also want to say that we do appreciate negative feedback just as much - perhaps more! - than positive feedback. If it's constructive, genuine and reasonable then it's something that we can take away, discuss and - if it's fixable - work on. So, please don't be hesitant to say "This is a thing/situation I don't like and here's why", what we don't want to hear is just blanket generalised "they suck" criticism or abuse. As long as you remember that our staff here are all human (yes, even me, I can confirm), and all anime fans like you, you won't go far wrong.
I love you folks, I still consider myself one of you, and I'm not the only one here with that mindset, so if you want me to start hating you all you're gonna have to work harder.
I'll try and be around a bit more for questions/feedback from now on as I know we've all been caught up in a lot of cool things (what about the new One Piece film, eh?) and not particularly active here of late, but I won't get mad if I get an @ notification here and there (as people on the Discord already know!) Apologies for the long ramble, but this is an important issue that I know has been bubbling for a little while of late.