UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I actually own the animatsu release, i got back when it came out first time on blu ray period. I kind of kept hoping that maybe they might release the movie with it too but so far that has never happened. I managed to find a copy of the older dvd eng release for a pound in the carboot and still own but i do hope it gets a blu ray release one day,.
@anime_andrew @demiopedia @Hanners so according to the guy at the danime stall at comic con none of the big anime retailers are ever coming back to comic con but he has a deal with 2 for there newer releases. Is this true are you never coming back?
That is a weird concept. Like I know things have changed over last few years (AL have essentially dominated the MCM space in recent years, whereas previously it was them, Manga and MVM) but it'd be odd to see all of them no longer exhibit. A lot of the youth attendees are there for anime and manga.
That is a weird concept. Like I know things have changed over last few years (AL have essentially dominated the MCM space in recent years, whereas previously it was them, Manga and MVM) but it'd be odd to see all of them no longer exhibit. A lot of the youth attendees are there for anime and manga.
I know that's why I've been asking here to see if it's true. For mvm they have said it's a money and shrinking space issue. Either way I answered the mcm survey and requested more anime representation particularly to work something out with the big 3 to get them there but I would still love @Hanners or @anime_andrew to explain if what I've been hearing is true? You'd think crunchyroll would be there given they've got sony money now but they've seemed to be settling for previews in the main stage rather than a stall to sell there physical merchandise.

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