Anime Character Guessing Game with pictures


Nymph from Sora no Otoshimono, which I am still waiting for from Funimation...

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I'm still in shock about the Yugo the Negotiator one. I've seen the whole show and didn't recognise her at all :s

Hidamari's just a nice gentle show. I'm fine with that. It's not too cutesy or pandering, which is where slice-of-life shows go wrong for me and I start rolling my eyes (I have only seen the first series mind).

Now then, this may take a little while as I'm not at home so I don't have my DVDs to screencap from. Which means it will have to be something off my hard-drive. Hmm...
I do know who that is, but I think you guys are probably better off carrying on without me for the time being. Have been away form my computers and DVDs (shock, horror) and even now am posting from a largely empty laptop. I'll be back through, and will be keeping an eye on the topic, as I always am...