Anime Character Guessing Game with pictures

Here we go then... could be an easy one, guess we'll wait an see.

edit: Seeing as tho no one has even made a stab at it... here's a few clues. *The first Series aired in 2008 and the main char is a heroine.

More clues will follow. ^^
Hmm, one I'd maybe loook at in the future... I have way too much anime in my "to watch" pile as it is. I will watch it all eventually like. It's just having the time too.

Right... here we go again.
Yes, of course. :p

He's from an OVA/Movie that apparently aired between 1998 and 2000.

Sci-fi/ Military genre.

I'll post more clues tomorrow. ^^
Heh, maybe. :p

I saw it as a movie on Bravo years ago. Doesn't appesr to be that popular tho. I enjoyed it like. It was when I was only watching anime once in a blue moon too.

Guess you'll know who it is then? ^^
I think i know the show though, and i think for bonus points i can name the channel that aired it :p i'll have to dig for the character, that's if i'm not piped to the post first mind

EDIT: So no one has had a guess then...

Is it Tetsu Hayami from Blue Submarine no. 6?
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