Anime Character Guessing Game with pictures


Not a very good one from me, sorry, I'm trying to speed-post before my friends come on and drag me away to a game.

Wow, I sure killed this game. The series has had a VHS/DVD release in the US and a VHS release over here, both from smaller (and different) companies. It's not a fantastic picture but it is one of the main characters.

'tis Bud Mint from KO Beast

(Okay, I admit, I haven't actually seen the series but somehow I instantly recognized the design and only had to look up the character's name.)

Do I have to do one now?
fabricatedlunatic said:
'tis Bud Mint from KO Beast

(Okay, I admit, I haven't actually seen the series but somehow I instantly recognized the design and only had to look up the character's name.)

Do I have to do one now?


And yes, you do :)

This one should be easy, but a forum search for one of the words in the title of the anime returns just 22 posts, four of which are mine. If you don't get this I will lose all faith in the posters of AUKN!

I'm pretty sure I know who that is, though I'll keep quiet for a day since I had the last turn and killed the game for so long. Hopefully someone else can salvage your faith in us!

A winner is you!

I'm going to assume that the rest of the forum either A) can't see this thread for whatever reason; or B) have lost interest in the game. For there's no conceivable way that an entire anime forum doesn't know who that is. This assumption enables me to retain faith in my fellow posters and sleep somewhat easier at night.
It must just be that everyone became too frightened by Death Jesters skill and stopped reading this.

Was going to go for another classic but only had this pic handy and I should really get started on some work.

Deaths Jester said:
lol, is that why you keep posting classics, one of my few weaknesses

and - Punie Tanaka from Dai Mahou Touge

I mostly post classics because I'm a little old fashioned in my tastes ;)

And of course, you're right. Your turn!

More like nobody else knows. Much as I like the concept, I think this game was probably doomed from the start. There seem to be two types of characters, ones everyone knows (and therefore don't make it much of a game) and ones only the person posting them knows. Middle ground - challenging characters, but still known by some - seems very hard to find. The heyday was when we would give little clues, but even then it's more likely people got them because they used the clues to find them online...

Not that I mean to bring the game down. Carry on. ;)
I quite like trivia and such even if I suck and hardly anyone plays :)

Here goes. I like the super challenging ones as well (this probably isn't one of those).

Voddas said:
Voddas recognises but can't put his finger on it...

Focus squint > -_-

Would it help if I said she was the main character, and can transform (in a sense)?
