Anime Character Guessing Game with pictures

I wonder if anyone is ever gonna have the answer?

and just so you know...i havent got a clue where its from :p, must be some sort of echii loli series then ;)
As no one has the answer, i thought i'd do a quick bit of research. Turns out this is a echii series *surprise surprise* ;)

Anyway, its a character from Today in class Class 5-2 and her name happens to be Megumi Hinata

Now would i be right? ;)

If so, im a bit worried about your tastes Jester :p
Correct Jester :) all honesty...i would have thought the pink uniform and orange hair would be a clear indicator! Obviously no one here has watched Skip beat (Despite being a really good series) ;) !
Oops, been meaning to give one

aired in 2006, the son of a martial artist hates martial arts, but becomes heavily involved in it

(has lots of m's and o's in it)