Anime Character Guessing Game with pictures

Is it any of these?

Akihiko Akihiro Akio Arata Atsushi Daiki Daisuke Fumio Hajime Hideaki Hideki Hideo Hiroaki Hiroki Hiroshi Hisao Hisashi Hisoka Hitoshi Hotaka Isao Iwao Katashi Katsu Katsuo Katsuro Kazuhiko Kazuhiro Kazuo Kenji Kenshin Kenta Kioshi Kiyoshi Kunio Makoto Mamoru Manabu Masaaki Masahiko Masahiro Masanori Masao Masaru Masashi Masato Masayoshi Masayuki Masuyo Michio Minoru Mitsuru Nobu Norio Osamu Ryo Ryota Sadao Satoru Shigeo Shigeru Shin Takashi Takehiko Takeo Takeshi Takumi Tamotsu Teruo Tomio Toshiaki Toshio Toshiyuki Tsuneo Tsuyoshi Yori Yoshihiro Yoshio Yoshiro Yoshiyuki Yukio Yutaka Yuu Yuudai
Actually, it's none of those, but as none has guessed the name so far, I'm telling you and whoever post first, take over the new pic.

It's Eiji Datte
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I remember watching a bit of it on Toonami (or was it CNX...I can't remember now :p) back in the day ah well my turn :p since its my first one i'll make it easy i'll post the pic in a minute, got some game stuff to sort out first
well you were warm when you said gundam, but you have to look beyond the anime itself and to the people who made short and this should narrow your choice down a lot, look to the people who made gundam and another series you came to love because of a certain pizza loving girl :wink: